Well, I guess the decision is made

hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I gave myself a pep talk this afternoon.

Long story short, I'm a pro at making up these elaborate workout and eating plans, saying I'll stick with them "this time", then falling back to my old habits. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this. I managed to stick to a healthy eating plan once before, where I exercised and ate healthy.

I'll admit it. I love being with family and friends, having drinks, and eating the fat-filled foods. It's comforting, for some reason. When I was having my pep talk, I thought to myself, these get-togethers do NOT happen every day, or every week for that matter. So why am I giving myself permission to eat poorly the rest of the time? I think I'm trying to draw off the comfort they bring me. Yes, I think I'm using those foods for comfort.

I thought about the times I get together with friends for a drink. I absolutely HATE the food they serve at this pub. So why do I eat it? If I'm going to have that kind of food, I'll save myself for the chance when I can eat it somewhere decent.

I'm also lacking a whole lot of daily structure. It's super easy for me to stick to a daily schedule when I'm at work or something like that. I'm a student with varying hours. That is NOT an excuse though! I learned last semester (and many, many semesters prior) that I really need to organize my time better. I could benefit from giving myself a schedule. I think I might actually try and draft one up tonight.

I am super tired of saying - I'll start tomorrow, I'll start Monday. No, I will start now, and will not pig out tonight as my last meal before some strict diet. I need to start looking at food as healthy fuel. I need to do this! I need to say no, I will not eat that, I will eat this instead. Can I have my family functions and eat not-so-healthy food? Of course! But the main thing is to do my absolute best to ensure I am eating for health, not for pleasure.

Here is my goal. Lots of water, lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meat, and other proteins. Since I do not really like eating that much in the morning, I'll have fresh fruit. At least I'm eating something. Oh and my coffee with cream. That is the one thing I refuse to give up. I will give up the pies and cake and donuts and candy, but I won't give up the coffee! Lunch will be a big colorful salad with some protein, such as eggs. I am officially taking over the cooking in this household, so dinner will be a lean meat and steamed veggies, or a nice homemade soup, or whatever I can think of. It will be lean, mean, and damn delicious. Tomorrow I'm making a turnip soup with other fresh root vegetables. Snacks will consist of trail mix, fruits, vegetables. I'm not big on yogurt, and I need to cut back on cheese (I just overeat it). Same with whole grain products, not a big fan.

This is a learning process. I know I can do this, I just choose not to. I'm lazy. But I can't be. I've shortened my first goal to 25 days. I'm going somewhere in 25 days and would love to be able to reward myself by purchasing a new outfit. I also can't wait do come back here and revisit this post in 25 days and say I did it!



  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Its not how many times ya fail its how your willing to try again and not give up. As food addicts ( me included) we just dont process food like others. Its a struggle and we have to work at it. Weight loss isnt elaborate its basically simple. Burn more calories then you consume and stay hydrated. Keep it up bro and dont give up on the fight!
  • bowserette
    bowserette Posts: 36 Member
    I'm the same way! I'm so worried that my boyfriend and I are going to give up again, like we always do. But I have a feeling this time is different. This time, it's not a diet. This time, it's a lifestyle change. We're doing little things during the day like parking a little further from the store, and buying healthy snacks. Even treating ourselves to Jell-O if we're craving something sweet!

    We can do this. It's about changing our lives forever, not just changing it for a year. And you know what? The longer you do it, the better it feels. I promise you'll feel so much better once you start sticking to it.

    Good luck! :)
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    It's funny you mention that...it totally set off a bell in my head!

    I was given a negative view towards food at a young age. I remember being lectured by a teacher when I was 6 because I threw away food from my lunch I did not want to finish. I remember that teacher scolding me about wasting food, and how I should be ashamed at myself. I was full....I didn't want anymore.

    When I came home from school (when I was older) my after school snack was always something extremely unhealthy and full of fat. I used it for comfort.

    I used to play sports for fun as a kid, but one year I had to go to a more competitive camp because they didn't offer anything closer. At the age of 9, I was told I was overweight, even though to look at me, I wasn't at all.

    Food was always tied to comfort, family, joy, happy, celebration. Guess what. Now food is going to be tied to health, fuel, and energy.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    you got this, start now. don't worry about tomorrow, it's got enough troubles of its own. You know how to do it, just make the right choices at the time. I can say this because I have made schedules tons of times. just let it go. make each choice as it comes to you, wait until dinner and then when you have to choose what to have, choose wisely. same thing with breakfast, and snacks and lunch. One thing at a time, one day at a time. You will get there.
  • You can do this!!!! We have the same mindset!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    As I'm slugging back my water, I'm thinking to myself - what are the benefits of eating healthy? If you can think of any more, please add them! This would be fun!

    Drinking water - nice skin, hydrated body, flushing out toxins, weight loss, feeling great
    Eating fruits/vegetables - so many vitamins and nutrients, preventing diseases, maintaining good health
    Exercise - feels amazing, doing such good to your body
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    I think everyone has this struggle, eating healthy vs. just eating, saying next meal I'll eat better, Monday I will make a change!!! The worst part about this food battle is that we have to eat everyday.... so everyday 5-6 times a day , you have to make the decision as to what you will put in your mouth. it's not like one can avoid eating like an alcoholic can avoid a bar... bad foods are all around us and are not illegal like drugs are (some so called foods should probably be illegal)

    I am educated as they come on health benefits and consequences of living a healthy life style and I still make poor decision often... why? I have no clue. The point is everyday again and again I have a the choice to make a change.

    One of the things that helps me is thinking about the diseases and the patients that I deal with on a daily basis at work. I see first hand the consequences of poor diet such as the diabetes and heart disease and some not so obvious such as cancer. I see younger and younger people being diagnosed with cancer everyday. it has to be something we are eating, perhaps preservatives or fake sweeteners. Look at other cultures such as the Okinawans who live long healthy lives and do not suffer from so called "age related" diseased that we see here in the states. Why are Greeks and the French overall thinner and healthier? What is the US nation doing wrong?

    All I know is I don't want the quality of life that I see in my patients. I want to be healthy until they day I die, at 100, in my sleep at home, not in a hospital connected to a million tubes and monitors!!!!!!

    OK! my rant is over, But I hope this gives you something else to think about everyday, 6 times a day when you have to decide what you will feed your precious body!!!!!

    ; )
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I always find that with the "I'll start tomorrow".... you know.. tomorrow never comes. It has to be today (or whenever you choose) but I couldn't wait for tomorrow anymore and started on here, and I'm moving in the right direction, walked to the store today and realized my pants weren't fitting very well, I am going to need my belt to keep them in place... by starting today....
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