Is this normal?



  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    So what would be the best way to do this then? xx

    You need to gradually reduce your calorie intake. If you are used to 2000 a day, reduce it to 1750 (good) calories - keep yourself full with plenty of veggies and fruits. Do that for at least 2 weeks and then reduce it to 1500, do that for 2 weeks, than you can reduce it to 1400, then 1300 then finally 1200 (if that's where you want to be).

    The point of that is to give your body a chance to realize that its not starving and as your appetite shrinks slowly, so will your stomach and your body will adjust to less calories per day, without panicking.

    Don't rush into trying to lose everything at once. Not only is it unhealthy, but it won't be something you can stick to long term - and that's really the goal, right?

    Good luck to you and keep your health in mind :)

    This is good advice, but may be a little more conservative than you need to be. If you reduce your calories to 1750, and after a few days realize that you are doing OK at that level (feeling pretty normal, not feeling overly hungry in between meals, etc.) then reduce it to the next level. Bottom line, listen to your body. If you don't like what it is saying, it is probably because it is trying to tell you something important.