Hey all...I'm new!

Meaghan_91 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, I've been on here since Saturday, and I must say, so far I absolutely love it! I definitely have some pounds to get rid of, and any support and tips would be greatly appreciated! I'm definitely ready for change :)


  • Hello to you too:)
    My name is Bonnie and I too just joined today. Looking to lose weight and make some positive changes that I can carry on in my life. I would like to get back to being as thin as I used to be. 3 years ago I quit smoking and gained about 35-40 lbs. I don't look like the same person nor do I feel like the same person. I have a lot of beautiful clothes, boots and coats that I want to wear again. The only way to get there is to put in the work necessary to get fit and reduce the fat....Congrat's to you for joining and I wish you total success on your weight loss goals.
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