Motivation Lost

Hi everyone, well beginning of January I was gung ho and ready to go, i have 15-20lbs to lose to hit my goal. Now it is January 11 and I feel like I have lost all motivation. Work, life, hormones etc.. Anyone have any good thoughts for getting back on track?


  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I'm in a similar place and I'm trying the trick that worked the first time for me. I buy a clothing piece in the next size down for me. Currently I just purchased a size 4 jean though my 6's fit slightly tight. I'm hoping that by Valentines day to be in those 4's comfortably if not St. Patricks Day is next on the calendar. Give yourself measurable goals and deadlines and it is not always about the scale. Good luck!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Remember why you started?

    The feeling after losing the first 10 lbs?

    Where you want to be in 3 months?

    Think of it as the one thing you can control. You can't always control the stress, but you can control how you react to it. And the healthier you are, the healthier you react to it.

    You can DO this :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I workout to live.
    I do not workout to eat. Or to get a desirable sexual partner. Or because I want to look better than others.

    We walk through our day to day lives with other things on our minds, stressed out or otherwise, but still walking. The workout for me is what I do to stay sane. To keep from falling into the maelstrom. To keep me grounded in faith. Exercise is quite the religious experience for me. Not to say that I'm a particularly religious person, but the depth of self understanding. Of knowing your limits. You have a life to live. Don't get caught up in the drama of day to day living. We each have so much more to live for, because one day, it will all be gone. I workout to live. You have the keys to your destiny, people. It's time to realize this. It's time to get back in the driver's seat. Live your life knowing you are doing everything possible to make each day better than the last. One day it will come screeching to a halt. Life is short so make it sweet. God gave us a gift. Time to treasure that gift and take care of it. The body is a temple, time to treat it as such.

    I workout to live.
  • Canonoch
    Canonoch Posts: 120
    You can start now. Just start now. The past is done. And you can do this. You just gotta START. and if you stumble it is ok just keep doing better for you by you. Don't try to make up for what should have been. Just knock the dust and dirt off your knees and arms and keep going. You can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • Nadine32
    Nadine32 Posts: 13 Member
    Aw thanks everyone! It sure helps to know you aren't alone!
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Focus on your main goal(s). Set for yourself mini-goals that would eventually lead up to you accomplishing your main goal(s). With patience, sometimes even the smallest progress can be enough of a spark to keep that fire alive and keep you determined and motivated.
