My Treadmill

Lindyteach Posts: 72 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Having loads of success on my treadmill. I started by tricking myself to just do a 5 min jog on it. Then I gradually increased it by 15 seconds each day. I am now up to about 25 mins and loving it! I do it as a sort of interval brisk walk/ jog. 1 min 5kms/hr, 1min 6kms/hr, 1 min 7, 1 min 8, then back to 1 min 6, then 2 mins 7, 1 min 6, 2 min 7, 1 min 6, etc until I am up to my current time limit. Others may go faster but I am very short (154cms) so 7kms/hr is a jog for me. This is achievable and enjoyable and the first thing for years (I am 54) that has actually worked!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    That's great! Any progress is good progress! I don't know km, but I'm at about 5.5mph and for me, running my fastest would be about a 7... now I really want to see how fast I really can run. I was watching Biggest Loser today and Bob had one of the contestants run her HARDEST back and forth across the gym -- seriously want to try it out!
  • As long as we are moving then we are burning. I do something similar on the treadmill too. I walk the 1st 2 minutes then run 5.....walk 1.5 then run 6....walk 1 min then run 7....then start over ....i usually go about 35-40 minutes. This is after I do a wii workout of either the Biggest Loser Challenge or Wii Active. What ever works right?
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