New to the website, looking for a weight loss buddies!

Hi everyone! My name is Jessie, I just joined and am looking for some people to take this journey with. I don't have any friends willing to actually lose weight with me, they usually give up after day 3 haha. So Id really like to have some people to do this with! Thank you!


  • Pattilynne
    i'll be sending you a friend request, i am pretty new here too.. in the few days i have been here i have become much more aware of what i put in my mouth!:smile:
  • kee9kee9
    Hi. I am also new. I just joined today and WOW!!! After entering yesterday and today's food into the diary, I am scared to eat because I have been taking in a lot of calories. I really like to eat (and I just moved to Japan and the food here is pretty good) so I guess I am going to have to search for healthier alternatives or workout harder. ;-) I can definitely use a workout buddy.
  • Melerune
    I'm pretty new as well! I also found after starting here that I had no idea before how many calories I was putting in my mouth. Let's work hard to keep each other motivated!
  • jaisky
    jaisky Posts: 2
    yea me too none of my friends think i should lose weight. we gotta encourage each other
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338