Weight loss Buddies

I'm determined to lose all the weight I need to this time, but I have no support from people around me. I'd love some weightloss buddies who like me have a lot to lose:smile:


  • baycityroller
    this is the right place for it!! with you all the way :)
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I need to lose 60-70lbs. Is that enough? I don't really have any support myself. I wish I had someone close by to work out with and stuff, but I just don't. I need someone too, to hold me accountable and just talk to about everything. My hubby tries to support me, but I know he gets tired of hearing about it.

    I was looking at a chart I did at the beginning of last year and I have gained 20lbs since January. I need help! I'm so uncomfortable just being.

    Anyway, good luck! And I hope we can chat!
  • tesslovesgucci
    snap! ;o)
    new year, new start! feel free to chat, love for england :o)
  • Lindac67241
    Come on over to the "2011 New Me Club", there you will get all the support you need. You just have to stay dedicated to the group and do your part. We weigh-in every saturday and take body measurements on the 1st of every month.