Saying hello from the UK for the first time

Morning all,

Just saying hello, Started my fitnesspal on my Iphone at the begining of the year and lost 1.5Kg already, working hard but could work harder.

Travel a lot for business so eating out of hotels and bars every night is not a good place to loose weight,

Come say hi if you have similier experiences or just fancy a chat,



  • Cupcakebettiejo
    Cupcakebettiejo Posts: 125 Member
    I also started beginning of the year, good work on your loss so far. I can imagine that traveling for work and being in lots of hotels with yummy food it can be hard to say no to (i know i would struggle!!). Keep up with the determination. Do the hotels have gyms you can use, that would be an ideal way to pass the time?!?

  • chezkie
    chezkie Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome to MFP guys! I'm sure you'll find everyone is really friendly and helpful, and if you ever want any advice, the people on here are amazing!

    I joined a while ago, but fell off the wagon in about October/November last year. My New Years resolution was to get back on track and start losing weight, so I'm back with a vengeance! If you would like to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other, please do.

    All the best,

    C x
  • MissySg
    I joined this year 2 :) want to lose a stine ideally and really tone up.If anyone has any tips or meal ideas please let me know!!
  • scratchless
    scratchless Posts: 30 Member
    Morning J

    Thanks for the reply,

    The Hotel I am currently in is pretty good as it is a health spa as well, Full Gym, Pool, the lot but in Germany they are a little stranger.
    They don;t do Gyms in Hotels and its not so good.

    Couples with that and the fact I dont do German food that well (to much salt) its very difficult to eat healthy to.

    SO where do you stand with your goals so far, are you happy?

    I need to loose a stone in the next 2 months, God help me.

    Rob x
  • scratchless
    scratchless Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Missy

    Hope your doig well this morning,

    Dont suppose you wathced that program last week on 10 scientific ways to loose weight,

    Really did open my eyes and living to it as well, Seems to be doing ok but I am still really only in my 2nd week with 4 gym trips a day.

    If you interested ill post them on here or try and find a link to watch the program on line if you want.

    Rob x
  • sarahkorry
    Hi Rob!

    Similarly, I'm looking to lose a stone in two months! I've started cooking more with smaller portions and hitting the gym 3-4 times a week - this is only my first week on here so I'll see if it pays off on Monday! :)
  • DaisyMoo86
    Newbie here also :-) started dieting a week ago but found this wonderful app last sat so sticking with this now....

    I dont have a luxury lifestyle like living out of hotels but sitting on my bum in an office with a trolley full of cakes being pushed round i think is just as hard.....the canteen's idea of dieting/healthy food is a salad bar but everything mixed with some sort of dressing, bad times :-(

    hope ur doing well tho :-)

    p.s that beer looks so appealing in ur pic tho haha

  • ultraviolencexo
    Hello! :)

    congrats on weight loss so far! i've been on here since November it seems to work but just want the weight to come off quicker lol

    anyway just thought i'd say hi :) x
  • scratchless
    scratchless Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    Its soooooooooo good to see I am not alone................... but still no other blokes found on here, lol

    I am with you, living in a hotel at the mo so only managing 60 minutes a day for 3 days but next week i am home and after work ill be doing 90 minutes every day,

    Wishing you good luck for monday, Ill be watching your progress. And hopefully you will see a change in mine to. God i hope so anyway,

    So why 2 months, you off somewhere nice. I got a snowboarding trip and my mate is a health NUT, so i have to try and keep up, God help me if i don't,

    Speak soon

    Rob X
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152

    40 year old guy in the UK here - have some of the same issues that you have - travel a lot for work - started loosing weight at the beginning of the year and I have done 11 lbs so far - the easy ones I guess. trying to fit in exercise with a 14 hour day is not easy.

    Anyway welcome and the support from here is really good - blokes dont really talk about weight that much !

  • scratchless
    scratchless Posts: 30 Member
    Morning hun,

    So have you seen any results yet? hope its good for you.

    Trust me when i say its not luxury lifestyle, Sometimes I hate it but travelling the world on the company time and money has its perks, Just not on the waist line if you know what I mean.

    I feel for you on the trolley of cakes and canteen food., I am currently in Wales at a factory and everything and I mean everything in the cantenn is deep fat fried. and I mean even the Vegatables it seems.

    And to be honest that beer was lovely, The food in Germany in my view is rubbish but the beer, oh the beer, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Thats prob the main contributer to my waist, lol

    Speak soon hun,

    Ill be watching you
  • Cupcakebettiejo
    Cupcakebettiejo Posts: 125 Member
    Morning J

    Thanks for the reply,

    The Hotel I am currently in is pretty good as it is a health spa as well, Full Gym, Pool, the lot but in Germany they are a little stranger.
    They don;t do Gyms in Hotels and its not so good.

    Couples with that and the fact I dont do German food that well (to much salt) its very difficult to eat healthy to.

    SO where do you stand with your goals so far, are you happy?

    I need to loose a stone in the next 2 months, God help me.

    Rob x

    Sounds like you have abit of a battle but you seem up for it which is good. You're in the right place for motivation so many people on here are doing really well its certainly keeps me going so i can hit my goals.

    My goal is to get back down to what i weighed in March last year which means i need to lose 1 stone in just under 2 months, im happy with this target and im determined to get there.

    Good luck, ill be watching out for how you're doing, J x
  • scratchless
    scratchless Posts: 30 Member
    Wahoooooo another Bloke,

    Thanks for the messgae mate,

    Yes I am in exactly the same position as you, so the way I figure is I can only count the calories when I dont have a gym

    Good luck mate, ill watch your progress and maybe come back to you for help, lol

  • zydratethief
    Make that a Welcome to MFP!
  • scratchless
    scratchless Posts: 30 Member
    I hope I managed to say hi and thanks to everyone that posted.

    Added most as friends so here we go, Rock on the weight loss.

    See you all soon and thanks.

    PS, Just about to post the 10 scientific ways to loose weight,

    Rob xxx