Weight Gain - How Hard Can It Be

Oak1ey Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hello to you all,

There are two sides to our dilema one is wieght loss the other weight gain.

I have been a member of various gyms over the years and struggled for the last 10 years to bulk up and put on more weight.

I can hear some of you saying be happy your skinny what's the problem ??

It's all about how you feel about yourself I remember school and being picked on all the time due to my size and being small and ending up getting into scraps on a daily basis just becuase I refused to be bullied.

When I was serving in the forces I was always around 11 to 11.5 stones which for my height and build was great but over the years I have dropped down to 9 stone.

Yeah of course I eat breakfast / Lunch / Dinner but not all the time.

I have since started taking in over 3500 calories a day and only spend 45 minutes in the gym four times a week completing free weights shock lifting , which means heavy weights and low reps.

I avoid like the plague any aerobics or cardio exercises other then sit ups as this burns into my calories.

I have over the last 2 weeks seen a big improvement in build size and weight gain and looking forward to the end of January when I can measure and weigh up so I can post my progress on here.

Would really like to get to around 12 to 13 stone but thats going to take time first things first bulk up concentrate on building my muscles up first then start looking at defination.

Hope I have not bored you all to tears and if like me you are struggling to gain weight let me know and we can hook up.

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