Diet Soda?

rayflana Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Is it so bad to drink? I'm not a big "water" fan.


  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    as a recovering soda addict, I say yes. read the do you feel about putting all those chemicals and artificial sweeteners in your body? if that doesnt bother you, than maybe its not a problem. Im also a huge water fan, and when I dont feel like a tall glass of water alone, Ill drink unsweetened tea or water with lemon. I just feel much safer putting that into my body. I have also noticed significant weight-loss associated with quitting diet and all soda. Artificial sweeteners send the same signals to the brain as real sugar or corn syrup (the sweetener of choice in non-diet soda) and the body's insulin levels shoot up. Just a few things to consider...
  • jacj46
    jacj46 Posts: 46
    I have a terrible time getting my water ... bet I haven't had 8 glasses in a day since I started this ...
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    I have recently given up my diet soda addiction and find that I really enjoy water...after getting used to it. It is an acquired taste. The artificial sweetners, caffeine, and very high sodium levels in diet soda is not good for you. I have found that diet birch beer and diet ginger ale have a little less.

    I read on another post that water with lemon curbs your appetite and also curbs your need for something sweet, so try that out!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    YES... soda is soda, diet or not!

    There is NO nutritional value to soda. It makes you bloat and not to mention what the carbonation does to your body! If you don't like just water, try flavored water or crystal light packs.

    I read this article on Yahoo yesterday about diet myths and drinking diet soda was on the list... here's the link.

    hope that helps!
  • asaltfit
    asaltfit Posts: 2 Member
    There have been no studies to show the diet soda causes any weight gain but there has been a correlation and I think I know why. When you drink a diet soda what do you feel like eating with it? Crap. Also I find when I drink diet soda it gets my sweet tooth going for more.

    So diet soda alone won't cause weight gain but it may trigger cravings for those foods (pizza, fries) you used to eat with your soda.
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    I like diet soda. I don't let myself have any until i drink my water for the day. It is good motivation for me to drink water since i don't really care for it either. You definitely can't replace water with soda. Water will help speed up the metabolism and boost your weight lose. Drink!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I used to drink A LOT of diet soda and haven't completely given it up. I still drink about a 20oz bottle a day but I drink enormous amounts of water.
  • janann65
    janann65 Posts: 2 Member
    I have to agree with everything that has said about not drinking diet soda. I have not had a diet anything in about 9 months and I can definitely tell the difference. Canada Dry makes a really good flavored seltzer that I have use instead of the diet pop. I know that when I was drinking diet pop, I was also craving a lot more sweets. I am still not convinced that the artificial sweetners are as safe as they claim to be. Adding fruit to your water is the best way to wean yourself off of the diet soda. If you can't give it up cold turkey, I would wean myself off of it a little at a time. I quit cold turkey and had wicked headaches for the first couple of days.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I gave up diet sodas, but it was really hard. I had migraines for about a week from the caffeine withdrawl, but I dropped a lot of my water weight as a result of not drinking sodas anymore. The headaches I just treated with some ibuprofen and got through it just fine. No more migraines.

    Now, I feel a lot better, and drink nothing but water. I'm also sleeping better without all that caffeine causing me to stay up too late and not rest well.

    If you don't like plain water, try flavored waters, unsweetened teas and lemonades, etc.
  • thanks guys.... I'm going to have to wean myself off of it. If I give it up cold turkey, someone is going to die.... :)
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