Exercise ball !!!!

Ok - so I have a co-worker that started training with a personal training right before the holidays. He lost weight during the holidays!!! One of things his trainer told him to do was to go buy a exercise ball and use that instead of his chair. So , he did!!! So, I decided to join him and brought mine from home. (for some strange reason I have three??? go figure.) So, it is really weird. So, he starts with an hour at a time to kinda work up to it. I am almost at my hour...Has anyone else done this??? Let me know aht you think???? Anyone care to join me????


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I've been seriously considering this. Does it work?
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    I work from home so it would be an easy transition, keep me informed on how it goes, i'd be willing to try it!
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    It's been proven that unless you're doing some bouncing around or exersizes on it, in the course of one day it only burns an extra 100 cals. The bad thing is that it can create posture problems...
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    This pressure is hard on your spinal column and nerves of your lower back. When we have poor posture, the pressure is even worse. We then place real strain on the ligaments of our lower backs.

    Many muscles are involved in sitting. Back and abdominal muscles help us to bend and twist, but they also help to hold us upright. If these muscles are weak, it can be tricky holding a good sitting posture for a long time.

    Sitting for long periods of time can also decrease blood flow to the muscles that are trying to hold us upright. Without good blood flow, our muscles can get tired.

    Having tired muscles makes us more likely to slouch or sit with poor posture. This poor posture further decreases blood flow, making muscles even more tired and increasing the strain on our back. So, the longer you sit, the worse the problem!

    What’s the answer? Stand and move around. Getting off that chair is the best thing you can do for your muscles and lower back.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I did try it, my posture is good so I thought I would give it a go just replace an hour or 2 a day. It was the perfect height for my computer table so away I went...I felt travel sick after about 10 minutes. I just cant take the constant slight movement when concentrating on the screen. I do get travel sickness pretty severely so I guess I should have seen it coming.

    Give it a try, nothing to lose really, just be careful when reaching for things and turning round to look at something
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So, I did an hour. I felt in my thighs...not my biggest problem but..
    I have good posture - ( years at a strict Catholic school and a grandmother - sit up straight !!!) so I don't think I will have any of those problems.

    I am hoping that it will help strenthen my core... will keep you posted.