Sweets are killing me



  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Yes, this is right! When you eat the SAME thing all the time you WILL get bored and want to give up (YO-YO Dieting). Make this a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, NOT A DIET.
    eat a nicer more enjoyable breakfast than slim fast, something that will fill you up but also taste good and salads are good but try a bit of variation. i know "diets" are hard but they are easier if we really think about what we eat and if you have a breakfast and a lunch that you actually look forward to eating and like eating your less likely to crave other foods after you've eaten them. look at other peoples food diaries and see what they've come up with to help you get some ideas.
  • AlySedai
    This is one of the biggest problems that I face as well. I try to keep it out of my house and that works pretty well...the only problem is when I'm at work because people always bring that stuff in. I'm trying to keep it all in perspective and realize that maybe a little is okay now and then, but I've just got to live with that craving. If I act on every craving I have, I'd never change. Plus, I make sure that I log everything in. I know that yesterday I had a milky way midnight miniature candy bar...I mean, this thing is less than the size of a quarter...but I logged it in, and it cost me 35 calories...for what!? I'm sure I could find something just as satisfying and healthier if I really looked for it.
  • lifechanging10
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I just need to do some rethinking and tweak what I'm eating. Part of the issue is that I'm currently living with my parents. It's complicated why maybe someday I'll explain. So I have to work around what my Mom cooks for dinner. Yet I do need to fix things which is what i realized after I read your posts. I think Slim Fast is a good idea but maybe instead of having it for breakfast I'll have it for more of a midday snack. Thanks for all your advice. It is so appericated.
  • tommys
    tommys Posts: 61
    I CREATE MYSELF WITH THE CHOICES I MAKE EACH DAY I really liked this! I'm going to use it! Thanks!
  • LizardIsANerd
    Every Day is my BEST day. This is my life. I'm not going to have this moment again.

    Someone posted that on facebook one day and it really stuck with me. It's on the way across from me at work and on the fridge at home.