Having a "I just feel like eating" day. =(



  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    That's great! I'm glad you're feeling better.
  • McFrench
    McFrench Posts: 205 Member
    I had the same thing happen...I lost 10 pounds, was doing really good, then no weight came off for 2 weeks! But, at the same time, my clothes starting fiiting better, I was able to tighten my belt...but its frustrating to not see movement on the scale! I had a "cheat day", after those 2 weeks, date night with my hubby, and then I lost 3 pounds right away...so who knows! I just figure if I keep trucking down the right path, this will work in the long run. I also have noticed I feel better, I have more energy when I eat right. After my cheat day, I felt tired, bloated and gross. Why do that to myself? Not worth it.