Quick bio

Hi everyone, just found this site today thanks to a friend. So far I'm very impressed.

Just a quick recap of my last 15 years or so. I've struggle with my weight all of my adult life. I've managed to lose weight and stay at a healthy level 3 times now. Each time I had to lose about 30-40 pounds and I was able to keep it off for about 2-3 years each time. Each time I swore I would never let myself get fat again and so far I've failed in that regard. Right now I'm looking at losing 45 pounds and it seems depressing to have to do this all over again. I'm not a quitter but I do seem to have a hard time losing weight. My current pattern is eating well, exercising and being able to lose 1-2 pounds per week. I can do this for months at a time but then I'll go on vacation or get sick and gain 10 pounds in a week wiping out months of progress. If I just happen to get sick and go on vacation very close to each other I end up heavier than when I started.

It's a new year and I'm back at it, hopefully I can get to a healthy weight by summer.