Well, here I am..... Time to get started!

Hello all,

I thought I'd come and introduce myself here. I have joined earlier this week and it is about time.
What you read below, you can aslo find in my profile.

About Me
I am a 45 year old Dutch born (became a US Citizen on Aug.26, 2008) man. I am married with two kids (13-year old daughter and 12-year old son). The kids were born in the Netherlands and after 9 years in Holland, my wife (who is American) wanted to come back to the US. So, we moved here in 2003.
I have done the "Biggest loser" competition they had at our work last year and lost about 13 lbs. in about 8 weeks.... Unfortunately it was right back on after the holidays and letting the exercising slack off.......
Came across this site when looking for a calorie tracking app for my Droid phone. I did the Livestrong site last year, but they don't have an app for the droid, only for iPhone. It really helped me keep track of my intake using my phone!

Why I Want To Get In Shape
As I said, I turned 45 on December 20th and I just have had enough. After moving to the States I gained 20lbs. in the first two months, due to no exercise (in Holland we rode our bikes and walked everywhere) and food. Basically settled into a sedentary lifestyle! I have too much cholesterol, too high blood pressure, etc.,etc. I am taking all sorts of medication! I NEVER had problems back in the Netherlands........
I want to be able to keep up (somewhat) with the kids and I can't right now!
I (feel I) am really about 40lbs overweight and want to (at least at first) to come down to about 170 lbs.

My Inspirations
- Keep up with kids (and be around long enough).
- Age and overall health.
- Be sportive and get outdoors.
- Feel good about myself!

Well, that was more than I thought it was...... I hope I haven't put anyone to sleep, because most of us need to be moving and not sleeping... Hahaha.

Thanks for having me here and I am looking forward to whatever inspiration I can get from all of you!

L8r, Eric


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Congrats on the citizenship. Good luck!
  • chantalicious
    Welcome and best of luck. Stick to it and you can do it!
  • Dutchie_in_Mobile
    Thanks "y'all" (guess where I live.....).

    Like I said I need the inspiration and encouragement!

    L8er, Eric

    P.S. where did you guys get those graphs from that are under your messages?