


  • tccmom
    tccmom Posts: 1
    I had my first Piloxing class today & loved it!!! I asked an employee the best way to track calories burned & aside from a heart rate monitor (which is always best) she really didn't know of an app that had it listed as of yet. I did it for 1 hour & since the whole workout is a complete mix of both, aside from the last 10 minutes of floor work....I put in 1 hr of pilates & 1 hr of boxing & got 397 calories burned. I've read anywhere from 400-900 so I'm really not sure how close I am....as it was intense start to finish. I'm happy with that number for now & if it's really burning more...hoping to see it in my jean size soon! I used 1/2 lb weighted gloves my whole workout too so probably was more than 400 burned.
  • hdj8498
    hdj8498 Posts: 1 Member
    Piloxing burns 900 calories in an hour.
  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    I did it for the first time today. I burned 732 calories per my Polar FT7 and I weigh 173 Ibs. I completed the 1 hour workout Piloxing DVD and after burn (waiting for my heart rate to go back down to 100 BPM of an additional 48 mins. A total of 1 hr and 48 mins.