I am new to this site and would love some more friends to he

I am a mother of 3. I have struggled with my weight for the past few years. I never considered myself a "fat" person until about a year ago. I saw a picture of myself and saw what I had let myself become. It was very disheartening. My goal is to lose 55 pounds. I will feel good about myself at this weight. I let my weight hold me back from alot. I think I would be a more outgoing and and social person if I felt better about myself and my weight. I hope this site can give me the accountability I need to stay true to myself and others. Thank you for reading.


  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Welcome to MFP!! :flowerforyou: You can do it. Here you will find plenty of friends to help keep you motivated and accountable. Sending friend request now!!
  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    Good luck :0)
    I'll add you x
  • jparr01
    Welcome to the site. You are going to love it! If you would like to just add me that would be great and we can support each other through this journey. Have a great one. :smile:
  • marcyweeks
    I am new too. We have about the same goals. I am still figuring everything out and some help/friends on the same journey would be great! So add me!
  • Peach504722
    I am a mother of 2 girls and I work full time at a hospital, but my job is stationary. I need some friend that I can turn to in this life changing period. I am so afraid of eating the wrong things, that I am eating the same things over and over. Please help me!
  • tawilliams10
    I think you'll fall in love with this site. I started this about 2 weeks ago I was so impressed I sent a request to my sister and she was already on. But just like you I'm a mother I have 4 children, a new baby at that. But its hard when you think back at what you use to look like it just makes you want to jump up and get started right away. This site will keep you motivated because when you track your progress you'll want to see the numbers reflect good progress. This site is a motivator all in itself and having friends just makes it even better. I wish you much luck and success on you journey.
  • 8JamieLeigh8
    Thank you all so much for you kind words. Seeing everyone's progress is a big motivation. Thanks again :)
  • AmyE73
    AmyE73 Posts: 5
    I'm new too! I am a mom of four. My goal is to lose 20 lbs and be in better overall shape! Good luck to you! I love this site, especially since I can access it on my iphone and here on my laptop!