Hello! I'm new here, but love it! Trying low-cal, low-carb

Hi Group,

My name is Jennifer and I'm trying lose 20 pounds. I'm 34, 5'7 and weigh 158. I always had luck with low-carb stuff. In 2004, at my heaviest I was almost 190lbs. My husband and I divorced and I ate a lot! But, in 2005 I started Atkins and with no exercise I lost about 60lbs in like 5 months. Gained about 20 lbs back in 2006, but started doing 30 minutes of cardio/ 4 times a week and lost it and then some. Kept it off for sometime, but recently gained 20 pounds back, yet again, this last year due to a neck injury. I stopped the cardio and got lazy on what I ate.

But here I am, back in full force! I've got the "myfitnesspal" app on my phone and that is by far a God Sent! I log every single thing I eat. I've started the cardio again, 35mins/5 days a week.

My daily food goal is 1200 calories and 20 carbs for the first 2 weeks. Carbs slightly increase after 2 weeks. However, I don't know if I'm just getting older, but the weight is not melting off like it did before. Any suggestions?


  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome and congrats for jumping back in!
  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120
    welcome, getting back on the wagon is the hardest part! You'll get there again....and this time with some help :)
  • Pragmatica
    Welcome low carb friend! :)