New new new :D

Hi! My name is Lindsay, and I'm brand new to this site, and to calorie counting/weight watching as well.

I've never had to really try to be thin, it just happened as a product of youth. I find, though, that as I go further into my twenties, it's harder to eat the way that I used to, while maintaining a healthy weight. So, after weighing myself one day, and hating the number on the scale, I decided to make a life change, and it led me here!

Honestly, the first few days were the roughest. Not knowing whether or not I was making good choices, why I was still hungry despite eating, omg I only get THAT many calories?! But I have to say, sticking with it is paying off. I've lost 3 pounds already, and I'm going to the gym regularly, and my husband has joined me in my quest to feel and look better.

Food choices are easier to make, but there's still those temptations every now and then...which I manage to beat away with a stick.

So, that's me and my small story so far :)
