new to myfitnesspal

Hi, My sister told me about this and the success she has had from it so I decided to give it a try. I have two children; my most recent is just over a year old. I lost the baby weight in about seven months, but have gained it all back. My biggest problem is snacking, I do it even when Im not hungry! I hope that I can find some others that have issues with snacking as well, and how they changed. Thanks for listening and I will keep you updated on my progress.


  • michellef216
    hi. I have the same problem. I am an EMOTIONAL eater. I also eat when i'm bored... Its hard to break that habit. I just started this today also. I am planning on doing Jillian Michaels DVDs also. I have the Wii Fit but i think it would be better to do a consistant workout instead of the 3 minutes and a break. I wish u all the luck and hope to hear your of luck too you