Snack Foods!

Okay, So I am terribly picky with what I eat, not really a big fan of anything healthy in general -- huge problem I KNOW!!
Trying to change that, so what are some good healthy snacks that you all eat that I can try?!



  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    Normally fruit, but i get bored and fed up of just fruit and veg. I picked up some weight watchers cake bars today. The lemon ones are only 80 calories!! Let's hope they taste as good as they look :0)
  • Loki182
    Loki182 Posts: 31
    Granola Bars, especially my new favorite the Quaker Chewy Chocolate Swirl bars... only 90 Calories each and they are so delicious that you feel like you are getting away with murder.

    Also Salsa is pretty good if you want something Salty about 10 Cals per serving I can usually get away with about 140 Cals worth of chips and salsa for a fairly substantial snack.

    I don't know if these are the healthiest things out there to be snacking on but the Cals are low and they are tasty.
  • princsoreo
    princsoreo Posts: 9 Member
    My faves for snacking:

    - low fat string cheese & a piece of fruit

    - fat free yogurt

    - hummus w/baby carrots

    - homemade trail mix (nuts, high fiber cereal, dried fruit)

    - KIND bars (nut delight has plenty of protein)

    - edamame

    - 100 calorie packs of almonds

    - low fat or sugar free Jello/Jello Pudding