Over 40 but under 5'4"...

Looking for friends who can relate to being over 40 (that dreaded metabolism slowing down) and under 5'4" (those 5 lbs look like 50!) who can relate to being small and losing weight. I am 41 - a wife and a mother of a 7 year old. I would like to lose 15 lbs but will realistically take 10 lbs to start. I would like to hear from ladies who have a job, family and other obligations that create obstacles to working out and eating healthy. I would love to hear success stories and share tips from others who are in the same boat, so to speak. All who are interested please reply! :)


  • pamelasusan
    pamelasusan Posts: 90 Member
    I will be 40 in May. I am 5'2. I need to lose about 50 lbs.

    I work full time, am a single parent to a teen and a child with High Functioning Autism. I have a few obstacles.....I am surprised that I don't :drinker: . :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • fritterdog
    fritterdog Posts: 2 Member
    Hmm. Well, I am 38 (so, not quite 40); 5'2"; married, but no kids; I work full time; and also want to lose 15. That's most things we're the same on, right :-)
  • dgilner
    dgilner Posts: 120 Member
    Well...I am neither of those things...but ooooh soooo close! Ha
    I am 5'5" and 39 and have about 70 more lbs to lose.
    I am a mother of 6 (two are deceased), my youngest is 7 months old, I am organizing a 5k in memory of my boys - May 14th!!!, I just opened a counseling center (last week!), and I am workign on getting two books published. So oh my goodness do I get it!! First and foremost though, I am a stay at home mom :)

    My easiest way to make sure I get my workout in is to go early in the am. I hit the gym about 530 4 days a week - and work out from home on the other days. I love doing weight training and cardio. But if you saw me today you would think all I was lifting was girl scout cookies to my mouth!!!

    Would love to support you and you me...even though I was "specifically" what you were searching for!
  • KSML1
    KSML1 Posts: 15 Member
    Yay! New friends already.

    First question - how do you fit in working out into your day? Mornings are not good for me. Trying to get DS to school and then to my office leaves no time for that. I try to walk or take an aerobics class in the afternoons when my child has an activity. But today, in SC we have 8 inches of snow and there is no walking or aerobics class. What in the world would you do?
  • pamelasusan
    pamelasusan Posts: 90 Member
    I use DVD's. I have accumulated a HUGE collection over the past few years. No driving to the gym.....it's right there waiting for you.

    Turbo Jam, The Firm, Biggest Loser, Tae Bo.....all good choices.

    Collagevideo.com has so many to choose from you could get a new DVD for every day of the year.

    I love doing it at home.
  • LMarsh6480
    I'm also over 40 and under 5'4". (Petite Plus sizes are hard to find - especially exercise clothes!)

    My exercise is along the same lines as pamaelasusan. I use WiiFit (but am thinking of getting Xbox Kinect). The Firm's DVD's are always great.

    Sometimes I walk at the mall - it's climate-controlled, and I can window shop, too. I occasionally take a quick walk after I've finished eating lunch at work, too. If there are stairs in your building, that would be something good to incorporate into your walk.
  • Fit4Penny
    Fit4Penny Posts: 75 Member
    I will be 40 in August....I am 5'2" and I am down to my last 5 pounds (sure I will re-adjust once I get there)!

    The only way I can fit in exercise is in the morning before the kids get out of bed. I get up at 5am and either go to the gym or do an exercise DVD like Pamela suggested.

    Good Luck!
  • LMarsh6480
    Wow, Penny, that's dedication!!! Props to you!
  • KSML1
    KSML1 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all the posts and new friends. Question today - What is your healthy lunch? Do you go out, brown bag or eat at home? Fortunately I live close enough to home that I can eat there everyday (and should!). Today I got a little sidetracked with errands and decided to go for a quick pizza buffett. Bad choice but I had my husband and child with me and was out-voted for another option. I usually like soup or a turkey sandwich on one of those 100 calorie thin buns. Hummus is always a fave of mine, too.

    What's your favorite lunch?
  • southernazgirl
    I'm 40 and 5'2", married but no kids, and I work full time (sometimes overtime). I started off at over 200 pounds and now weigh in at about 142. I would like to be about 125 at least, so I have a little more weight to lose, and it doesn't want to seem to come off (which is, admittedly, partly my fault because sometimes I have binge moments, like on the weekend). I have been struggling lately.

    I do try to go to the gym, but I also work out at home sometimes. I have Wii Fit, but there are a lot of exercises you can do at home with little to no equipment, such as lunges, squats, pushups. I also try to go for a walk on my lunch break now and again. I also started running, but I live in a warmer climate.

    I usually bring leftovers for lunch, or if I don't have any, soup or a salad or I'll bring brown rice with broccoli and veggie crumbles mixed in.