Want even more support, tips, recipes etc?!

Hi all, just started the Biggest Loser pound for pound challenge team and would love some more members on the team. It is on the BL website, click the top link to the right, register, then join my team fitnezrox pledge the weight you want to lose by May 31, 2011 (honor system) then click the facebook link to the right to be added to group on fb which is linked to my facebook page. If that's not your cup of tea I also just started a team on FB for the BL game move it and lose it, same name to keep is easy (fitnezrox) if you would like to join that feel free. My fb page Kimberly Williams (fitnezrox) is growing daily and I am loving all the comments and posts from "friends" I hope everyone who is already a friend is getting some type of support or information from the page daily as I am working hard at bringing you valuable information, tips, recipes, etc.