Low Exertion, Low Impact Exercises...Suggestions?

lulu_beans Posts: 100 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everyone! I was just put on a 10 day course of Levaquin for a nasty infection, and the doctor told me to avoid any strenuos activity for at least the next 90 days, due to the wonderful side effect of increased risk of ruptured tendon :) (I do not have a ruptured tendon, but it is a possible side effect of the medication) Yay me! Anyway, as you all know, when you are trying to lose weight, being put on exercise restriction isn't the best thing for you. So, I am coming to ask for any advice people may have as to some things I may be able to do in order to keep moving, but nothing that will strain any tendons too much. Yeah, I know...


  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    If you can get access to a swimming pool it's the best thing in the world for people with joint and tendon issues and it works your whole body.

    If not maybe some stationary bike with low resistance.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Upper body exercises, specially working with free weights and/or machines at the gym. Ask the doctor if you can do the stationary bike at low speed.

    Few years ago my doctor also wanted to put me on Levaquin, but I told her "no way Jose," because I knew about the side effects on tendons, specially the Aquiles tendon. She gave me another antibiotic.

    Wish you the best and be careful.
  • MamboGyrl
    MamboGyrl Posts: 16 Member
    Totally agree with Ziaki. Moreover, ask your doctor!! She or He HAS to be able to give you direction. She/he must be ecstatic you are losing weight. So ask the expert!!
  • Bonstizzle
    Bonstizzle Posts: 14 Member
    Ziaki has it right :) A pool is the best thing and you can do some great exercise in a pool! That is how my grandmother exercises since she is older and to much strenuous stuff is hard on her.
  • Two years ago the doctor put me on levequin for sinus infection and did not tell me about the side effect of tendon problems. I had been taking it 2 days and walked 3 miles on the treadmill. Strained my achilles tendons and to this day they still hurt if I do jumping exercises or hike uphill. I also pulled the tendon going from my neck to my shoulder just by reaching up to wash my hair. Obviously that was not as bad but I had to put heat & ice on it for about a week.

    As far as exercises, I couldn't even begin to guess. Like previous posters, I'd ask your doctor or a physical therapists. Or you can always ask your doctor to put you on a different antibiotic. That's what I did...4 days too late.

    Good luck.
  • lulu_beans
    lulu_beans Posts: 100 Member
    I asked for a different antibiotic, but since my infection is actually in a bone, they needed to give me something strong enough to penetrate. I guess I will just take it easy, walk short distances with the kids after work, and keep from doing anything crazy!
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