Your opinion on tummy tuck and breast reduction

Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hello, I am just going to put it out there.
I was approved by my insurence to get a breast reduction, i would also like to get a tummy tuck at the same time. I am on the fence, I am so scared to go under but know I would be so happy with the results. I have about 15-20 to lose to be at my all time goal.
don't know what Im looking for from the group out there, but just would like some feed back.
Anyone out there get either?


  • sashaverlene
    sashaverlene Posts: 123 Member
    Well, as far as the breast reduction, I don't see anything wrong with that if you really need it. I can't stand clothing lines that don't make shirts for girls with breast size in mind. However, if 15-20 pounds is all you need to lose, I'd just stick to working out a bit more and you could lose it in about a month. Hope that helps. :)
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    umm, i've never gotten either, but i'd LOVE to have a breast increase! lol since i lost weight, i lost even more of what i have, but it's not like had anything to begin with. lol i was a 34C but now i'm probably a 34B...though i can still fit into a 34C from victoria's secret. what's your current size and what size do you want to be?
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    My ideas on both, If my insurance would approve me I would have been there in a heartbeat!! I have a LOT of skin leftover in my middle that both defies and ignores any attempt to tighten up. My tophalf is.......well lets just say this.....anyone know what a Shairpei puppy is? (not sure if I spelled it right) Well, I gots two of them sitting on my chest!

    Do it!!! I have friends who have had both done and they are just pleased as punch with the results.
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    My thing is (as far as the tuck goes) is in regards to how much you still want to lose. You might want to think about asking your doc if that will make a big difference (because it just might). I wouldn't think that you would want to do the tuck again, I'm sure once would suffice. You may find that after you lose those last 15-20 that your tummy might just go down with out surgery. It COULD happen....but it could also happen that what you don't like is still there and you would do the tuck anyway.

    As far as the reduction goes.....if you've qualified through insurance to get it done then you're big enough in that dept that losing another 15-20 wouldn't make that much of a difference.

    I guess bottom line is talk with your doc. Good luck!
  • It seems that you are in a reasonable range of healthy weight. You can work on perfection (ha ha) later. I had a breast augmentation which for me picked up the slack. Fortunately or not, we are not trying to make the cover of national geographic.

    So surgery or no. It is a big deal. Take care of yourself. But, if not at this age, when. Start enjoying...

    Note, I had my b-augmentation at 45, I am now fifty. I would still have needed it those past five years. I have not regretted it. I can even change them a bit with age...
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    I would wait a few months to get either done if i do. and would hope to lose the additional 15-20 by then. I will never have my tummy back after my 11lbs baby that I love with all my heart. Doctor said It would not go back with any amount of excercise. skin, streach marks.... so the question really is do the risks outweight the benifit? I would have to pay for the tummy tuck and the breast reduction would be on the insurance.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I have dreamt of having a breast reduction most of my life... if insurance will pay for it, and that's what you want... go for it. If you only need to lose a few pounds I'm not so sure I would do the tummy tuck, but if you've lost a lot of weight and the tummy tuck would take care of extra skin, I think I'd seriously consider it. I wouldn't do either with out really researching it first, and thinking long and hard about it. What are the risks?
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    I am a 36 F or G depending on the bra. The insurance make a manditory volume removal if they pay for it, not sure what that is, but most of the pictures i see are not that small. Maybe a D for me.
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    I have been on the internet for days researching the risk of both.
    With either really it is the anastisa (not sure of the spelling) that concernse me. Going under anytime is a risk. The pain with the tummy tuck is heavy but with pain meds is would be managable, I hear the breast reduction is much easier, but i would be having both at the same time. i don't want to go under twice.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I have been on the internet for days researching the risk of both.
    With either really it is the anastisa (not sure of the spelling) that concernse me. Going under anytime is a risk. The pain with the tummy tuck is heavy but with pain meds is would be managable, I hear the breast reduction is much easier, but i would be having both at the same time. i don't want to go under twice.

    While there is the risk with anesthia you are constantly being monitored to make sure everything is going right. I was going to say that if you are looking at doing both then you should do it at the same time and get everything over with at once but you just did. I had breast augmentation done and didn't have any problems (just the pain in the beginning) and did research on the internet also. As long as you're informed about all of your concerns and you talk to your doctor about them everything should be fine. Your doctor can reassure you the best because they are experts in that field. Good luck with your decision :smile:
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    I wish I could get my insurance to cover a reduction and would be going for a tummy tuck at the same time. I do know however that one thing they want is for you to be at a stable weight for at least 1 year prior to going under for the surgery. I have been researching myself. :) Having the tummy tuck really depends on how much extra skin you actually have. But having it done at the same time would save you money cause you wouldn't have to pay for the ansthesia or as much of it. It does take awhile to heal from it. BUt you would be best to discuss all of it with the surgeon who would be doing the reduction in the first place. They would be able to tell you more than any research will and will give you more accurate statements.

    I wish you luck!!
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    I say go for it! Especially if your insurance co is willing to pay for it. The scars are minimal an will fade in time. You will probably regret not doing it if you chose not to go through with it.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I am a 36 F or G depending on the bra. The insurance make a manditory volume removal if they pay for it, not sure what that is, but most of the pictures i see are not that small. Maybe a D for me.

    I can't speak on the tummy tuck, but I had a breast reduction 2 months ago. Like you, mine was covered by surgery. My surgeon said the mandatory amount was a minimum of 2 cup sizes, up to about 50% maximum. She removed roughly 1 and a half cup sizes from me as it turns out.

    I can answer any questions you have. I've been there & done it! I was concerned because I'm only 22, and I want to have (and breastfeed) children later, but thankfully you're past that stage! I will say though - it IS painful, uncomfortable, and generally sucky for the first week or two. The surgery went great, but I woke up to immense pain that was quickly remedied with an injection of morphine. They gave me T3's and percocet to take home to manage the pain.

    It's been 2 months now, and I am happy with the results, but I wish my surgeon would've taken more off. I will need the surgery a second time, after I have children (in the next 10 years). If you gain weight, your breasts WILL come back - so beware!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    The scars are minimal an will fade in time.

    Just wanted to add... although it's subjective, the scars are not minimal. My scars go around each nipple, and down the entire breast. Some surgeons will also cut along the underside. All added up, I probably have about 8-10 inches of scars now. They will fade on their own, depending on how you heal. My surgeon suggested a silicon cream that will help the scaring, but it's expensive and not covered by insurance (unlike my surgery!). I paid $70cdn for a 15mg tube. So far, no major difference in healing! :frown:
  • elenee
    elenee Posts: 5
    Just a few thoughts...I lost about 80 lbs and worked out like a fiend. The fat was gone but of course my muscles were stretched out from preg and years of fat...I wanted to look good in clothes AND without. So I had a tummy tuck several years ago. There is one scar from one side of my hip all across my pubic line to the other hip. In order to get the muscle tight, it was necessary to 'lace' up my stomach muscles like you would with a shoestring (the dr. told me). The results are quite amazing, I used the silicone (bought it online after the 1oz tube I bought from the dr ran out)the scar is barely visible, but it did take months of using the cream, as the instructions noted. My stomach is as flat as a teenager! I love it and would do it again without question. Now I must tell you that it hurt like hell even with the morphine pump. I thought I'd never be able to stand up streight again...but of course I did...
    one additional bonus...not only did the proceedure pull the upper ab skin down, it pulled the pube skin up! I also had my arms done at the same time. The results are OK but the scarring is quite visible...(I used the silicone cream there too) better than gobs of wavy skin though.
    With the tummy tuck you might want to ask if they will lace up your muscles OR just remove the baggy skin...
    I am fairly big chested but not uncomfortably large. If I were any larger...I'm positive I would have a many plusses hardly any minuses to my way of thinking especially if your ins. is paying...
    you might also want to ask how they'll split up the cost of the surgerys between what your ins. pays and what it doesn't just so you won't be caught off guard with charges you weren't expecting.
    Hope this info helps...ask if you have more questions...happy to discuss.
  • elenee
    elenee Posts: 5
    keep using the silicone it works but takes a while
  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 1 1/2 years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done!!! I had tons of stretch marks from my kids and they are now gone. It looks amazing. That being said, it was a painful surgery to recover from. But worth the pain. I am a breast cancer survivor diagnosed 4 1/2 years ago when I was 28 years old, and so I have also had a breast reduction on my non-cancer side to match my mastectomy reconstruction). The breast reduction was uncomfortable, but the tummy tuck hurt the most. You have a lot of tightness and spasm type discomfort in the tummy area because they stitch together your tummy muscles. The result is AMAZING! Having had a mastectomy with reconstruction, a breast reduction and tummy tuck, the tuck was most painful...but still worth every bit. By two weeks out from the surgery, you feel pretty normal. I would recommend taking at least a week off work. I had to go back to work a few days after my surgery, and it was pretty tough. I only did it because I am pretty used to recovering from surgeries. Good luck. It is worth every bit of discomfort, I actually wore a bikini last year for the first time since before my kids were born!
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    I just read your post on my question, i have not checked in for a while. Wow you are a hero. you have been through alot. I know i will have some more quesitons. I am very nervous. I will have to work from home after 10 days, just computer and phone work, but 10 days is max, but then could work from home for a week or so.
    Thanks for your feed back.
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you for the feedback. I know i will have more questions.
  • Oh gosh I definitely would NOT do both at the same time. My doctor would have NEVER gone for that anyway. I did the opposite of reduction though, I did an increase. It hurt for 5 days. But I never knew pain til the tummy tuck, those 5 days were the absolute worst ever but it's WORTH it. I couldn't imagine having those 2 pains at the same time. There is NO WAY I could have been able to do anything.
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