The Master Cleanse- Lemonade Diet

mhowe86 Posts: 37
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone tried this?

The idea behind the cleanse is to clean out the toxins in your body through only drinking a lemonade drink made of fresh lemon juice, water, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper for 10 days. I have heard good things but am curious to hear from people who may have tried it.

Anyone out there in the mfp world have any Master Cleanse experience?


  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    i have seriously considered it..but i am still unsure. i had a friend who did it and her mom made her stop about 3 days in cause she was weak and looked color to her basically
  • Chillem
    Chillem Posts: 40
    I know Beyonce did it just before the recordings of dream girls and we all know how big she got after the recordings... so i think this diet will really let you Jojo.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    It sounds like a good way to get sick from lack of nutrients, and screw up your metabolism...
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    It sounds like a good way to get sick from lack of nutrients, and screw up your metabolism...

  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I honestly don't think I could force that into my mouth! :sick:

    I haven't tried any master cleanse of any kind, but I know there are a lot more people doing them these days.
  • countryrunner
    countryrunner Posts: 62 Member
    My husband tried that last year. It was a total joke. He lost weight, but I'm sure that had a lot to do with the massive amount of diarrhea he had. He also had no energy at all. The 10 or so pounds he lost were back on within a week or two. I think if you are wanting to cleanse you should try something healthier like Isagenix. It's a cleansing product that I love. I love it so much that I started selling it after I tried it. I'm not on this site though to try and better my business. I'm just sharing my opinion.
  • Don't do this! Fads do not work. Learn from those who made that mistake a million times before us. Eat less, move more. Its the only way. If you want to feel healthier eat more fruit and veg. We all know these universal truths. Please be healthy! Good luck on your journey! :)
  • I am not sure about that but do know that just drinking lemon water is good. It is very simple and gives water a nice twist. I heard that it helps eliminate toxins. I love the lemon water and I just slice lemons up keep them in a ziplock back in refrig and that makes it easy to just add a wedge to my water.
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    You can do the cleans and eat healthy at the same time. Just very little carbs lots of fruit and veggies. Never a good idea to go on a all beverage cleans
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    if you eat healthy and have your fruits and vegetables then you dont have to do the master cleanse. besides that, its super expensive.
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    i have done it before it really makes you feel good. but i did eat solid food with it. a great cleanse is
    no sugar
    no dairy
    no booze
    no wheat
    and the lemon drink.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Yes, you lose weight.

    The weight you lose is:

    a) the weight of the food that would normally be in your stomach (because you have to go ten days without eating solid food)

    b) the weight of the poop that was inside of you (because you're taking laxatives)

    c) water weight (because you're drinking so many fluids, it flushes out water retention)

    and maybe a LITTLE fat/muscle because... well, you're starving yourself. But mostly, it's just brutal. You'd get the same results eating fibre, drinking lots of water, and watching your caloric intake.
  • I lasted 5 days on the cleanse. After 3 days, you don't feel hungry. But, two days after I finished all that water weight I lost was back. Plus, I wasn't energetic enough to hit the gym during those 5 days. Was it body cleansing? I hope so. Was it worth it? Decidedly not.
  • mhowe86
    mhowe86 Posts: 37
    Thanks for everyone's input. I have been getting some pressure to try this with a friend but i think i'll just keep up with what i'm doing. 11 days and already seeing results!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I drank Lacy Le Beau's Diet Tea for 3 days (along with food) and that shore nuff cleansed me out. I didn't do it to lose weight, I did it because the meds my doctor gave me constipated me for a week. 3 days of that and I was good to go.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I am not sure about that but do know that just drinking lemon water is good. It is very simple and gives water a nice twist. I heard that it helps eliminate toxins. I love the lemon water and I just slice lemons up keep them in a ziplock back in refrig and that makes it easy to just add a wedge to my water.

    Freeze the lemons and other fruits too and use them as ice cubes. I did this all summer. yummy.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If you really want to try a fad, do a 3 day smoothie diet of all fruit and veggies to give you a jump start. At least you'll have carbs this way to keep you energized and lots of nutrients unlike the Master Cleanse.

    Or do the grapefruit diet as well. Its <800 cals a day hence the weight loss and no carb other than the grapefruit so it will work but again, MFP is for lifestyle changes not fads and as early as 40-72 hours starvation mode may kick in.

    That being said fads intrigue me but then again I also have < 10 lbs of vanity weight and not an actual over-eating or unhealthy eating problem.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Starvation can never be good for you! I do not think that I would try it! Be careful!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Yes, you lose weight.

    The weight you lose is:

    a) the weight of the food that would normally be in your stomach (because you have to go ten days without eating solid food)

    b) the weight of the poop that was inside of you (because you're taking laxatives)

    c) water weight (because you're drinking so many fluids, it flushes out water retention)

    and maybe a LITTLE fat/muscle because... well, you're starving yourself. But mostly, it's just brutal. You'd get the same results eating fibre, drinking lots of water, and watching your caloric intake.


    Plus it's important to realize that even if you drank enough of the cleanse mixture to have a non-starving calorie intake, there's NO WAY you're getting all the nutrients/proper nutrition while on the cleanse - you're getting virtually no protein (there's like, 1g of protein in a cup of lemon juice), no fats and almost all your calories are coming from sugar (the maple syrup plus some from the lemon juice). It's NOT healthy.
  • My daughter has done this diet with great success. I am going to do it myself. At 55 years old, I feel that doing a cleanse is important. My feeling is the weight loss is a bonus. The cleanse for health is the primary reason to do this, and I would never do it more than 10 days. She said she never got hungry, well, it's hard to believe but she said the maple syrup keeps you from getting hungry. You need to make sure you DON'T skimp on the grade of the syrup. It's expensive but it has all the nutrients your body needs. iF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THE CORRECT SYRUP. DON'T DO THE PROGRAM.
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