Gaining inches from TurboFire?

So I started TurboFire last week, I do that plus Jilian's 30day shred plus 30mins walking/wii fit

I took my measurements before starting Turbo.
My thighs were SUPER sore during the first few days, I mean i groaned with
every step, but I didnt stop. Now I just checked my thigh circumference just
for fun...and I'm up by 1.5inches...LOL.

I know my legs are getting stronger, and I can def see more definition in my thigh muscles...
but has anyone gained inches after starting a new program?? I dont want to get built. I have
a lot of fat to lose of those thighs, gaining inches is not acceptable, haha. Please help :)


  • Shawnalee0703
    My guess is that your body is just adjusting. :) Or it could be that you are not measuring in the same place. I have a hard time measuring the exact same place each time. I need to just tattoo a line at each place! haha
  • MariaAlexandra
    MariaAlexandra Posts: 126 Member
    MUSCLE BURNS FAT. LOL Just because you gained a couple of inches around your thighs doesn't mean they are getting fatter. It means you are building muscle. I definitely used Turbo Fire, I actually just did HIIT 15 and Fire 55 EZ Class right now! It was awesome!! I love it! Don't worry about the gaining inches. Dont focus on the number, focus on the results! And remember muscle burns fat and muscle weighs more than fat so you may also be up one pound or two.