
So I decided that every 10 pounds I loose Im going to reward myself with a non food/ diet reward. Like when I loose my first ten pounds Im going to go by some new pants and a shirt. Second 10 pounds will be to get my hair done..... and so on and so on. Because I want to loose the weight and keep it off whats the use in rewarding yourself with food or something when your trying so hard to keep it off. i believe this will work to my benefit.


  • mmelaniewalters
    fab plan ! good luck
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    great idea but can I suggest that perhaps you save the new clothes one for your 3rd goal and maybe have a facial or massage for your first. The reason I suggest this is that the weight comes off more quickly in the beginning and it would be a shame to grow out of new clothes too quickly without getting to enjoy them and the second is when I got my haircut suddenly my clothes didnt look right with my new hairdo. Hope this helps and the best of luck to you on your weight loss journey. :)
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    I agree with Helen. If you have to do it buy something cheap. There is nothing worse than have a new pair of jeans that are too big in 2 months. I know thats a good problem to have, but its still a problem.
  • jsnyder7087
    good idea guys thanks so much