Diluting Juice

Hey All,
I used to drink Coca Cola by the bucket load, could easily go through a 2 litres bottle in a day. 3 weeks ago I decided enough was enough when my scales hit 11 stone (I am only 5ft 2").
I have swapped the coca cola for robinsons diluting juice and the odd diet irn-bru. Should I be counting a glass of this as my water intake as well as the calories in the flavoured part? So far I've only been adding the robinsons bit to my snacks etc but not adding the glasses of water intake. I am unsure if this is just for pure water or whether I should be incrementing this when I have the diluting stuff too.

Thanks in advance!


  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    Morning! I am pretty sure you're good to use these as water intake - I know I do anyway! I don't tend to count Tea / Coffee, but squash is OK. Good going on cutting out Cola - I had a bit of thing going for Diet Coke / Pepsi Max, but even though they are low in calories they aren't very good for us in the long run!
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks very much, I will start to count it in as water from today.

    I have heard people talking about losing their water weight, can anyone explain what this is, how do I know if I have it and how to lose it?

    Sorry I'm quite new to all this, 26 years of eating like there's no tomorrow!