Pain in my...knee

jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, a little concerned now. When doing my JM work out my left knee gets a real sharp pain in it. I've always had problems with this knee, did in high school and was the reason I couldn't sprint short distances, without a longer run before to warm it up. With my weight gain I've noticed it getting worse. Any ideas on strengthing my knee? I feel horrible that I am 26 years old and having problems with my knees already....More motivation to change and lose the weight faster...


  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    I would suggest calling your primary care physician to ask them for a referral for someone to look at it. Knee pain may not be just weight related, for instance, my knees are crooked, which I recently found out, so I am limited as to some exercises I can do to avoid more damage to the cartiledge.... good luck!
  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    This very much does sound like what's going on. I will try this, I don't want to mess it up further, but don't want to stop working out either. Thank you.
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    Choose a lower impact routine for a while and look at strengthening the knee. If you are worried about it check with your doctor.
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    Jess my knee's hurt all the time especially the left one from when i tore my ligament, so you're not the only one. Jillian Michaels made my knees hurt 5 times worse! So maybe skip the knee focused parts? Idk. We can thank our tall a** fathers for those problems lol
  • Definitely see a doctor immediately, knee problems are very important to have looked at before permanent damage is done. I have a reeeeeeeeeally bad right knee, and the left was getting bad but since i've been dropping weight it's been feeling fine.
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