Need some motivation

JamieLynn3517 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
There are 3 adults in my home, I am the only one trying to lose weight. If I cook healthier, they look at me like I am crazy. They tell me that I am doing a great job so far, I went from almost 190 to now 150. I know I am doing a great job I just hate to hear them complain about how they are over weight, but they do nothing about it. I know I have my days where I don't want to work out, nor do I want to count calories, but I try and do it anyway. I don't have any friends really, except like 2 and thats in real life not on the computer. One of my friends is from my home in minnesota and the other one live like 30 minutes from me here in Va. If you would like to be friends on here let me know. I would love to have someone to share my success with .


  • vandy29
    vandy29 Posts: 39 Member
    I understand your struggle and frustation but ultimately as adults we have to decide to improve ourselves are you can do is be positive and help yourself. I feel like at times when people are encouraging me, they are really just sitting back and waiting for me to fail and then say I told you so. You have to do this for yourself. I have 3 children. Two are tall and tend toward the thin side. My middle child is built completely different and she is overweight probably 30 pounds which at 14 is a lot especially if she doesn't want to do anything about it. I think that part of not "wanting to lose" weight stems from fear and not fear of failng but fear of success and how people will treat you different. People as a general rule don't like change, even good change. Keep up the good work and hopefully the people in your life will be more accepting.
  • hi, my motivation is quite low too. i've been trying to loose weight over the last 6 months and no matter how i try my weight goes down and then when i'm just thinking its all working my weight goes back up again. because theres only me on my diet in my house, and i want to make weightloss a permenant thing (my hubby could do with loosing a few pounds too.) i bought smaller plagtes over the year and i cook us all the same healthier meals and really they've not noticed. we still eat out quite a bit but i just stick to what i'm liking to eat and if they dont well its up to them. (he doesn't eat as much as he did.') we all are a little less fat. i'm 10-13lbs lighter,( not a big loss over a year ) my weights going up and down this last few weeks what with christmas and being out of my routine. Although now i'm at a place where even if i'm not wanting to keep on with it i really i've found its now a habbit and i don't want to eat the thigs i used to and even when i do i eat now-where near as much. i do much more exercise and my waist's now in the ok range, so i'm a lot happier even just with that. but i also have to remember that i have to take one day at a time, after-all thats how i got overweight, one day at a time. i would like to loose another ten pounds this next 6 months. i've lowered my goal so its more realistic to what i'm capable of. i'll never be super skinny so i'll just settle for being in a healthy range for my height, and fitting into a size ten jeans comfortably. I'd be really happy with that. hope you keep it up. you'll feel so much better to be in control of your own life instead of your weight being in control of you
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