What works for me!!!!!!

Just thought I would share, dont know if its so call "healthy lifestyle". I am emotional eater and when someone or something tells me I cant have it, it seems like i want it more. So every morning I been getting up and if there is something that i been wanting i eat it ( not overeating) but if i want pizza i eat it YES in the morning. I begin my day by getting the urge out. I guess I feel guilty after and I really dont want anything else all day that is unhealthy. So the rest of the day I am watching what I eat. Then at the end of the day i do a really great work out. It leaves me with not the temptation all day of wanting to bing of not having it. But yet it gives me all day to burn off what i ate that morning. It seems to be helping because i have lost weight doing it. Is this normal?


  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I don't know if its normal but I like that concept! Also, I've always heard we should eat our carbs, fruits, etc earlier in the day to burn it off so it makes sense lol. Now you have me wanting pizza though, thanks a lot! :mad:

    Haha :flowerforyou:
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    As you like pizza thought you might like this! it's from my daughter blog she lost over 100lbs in a year, she found ways of making food she liked lower in calories..


    This is an absolutely yummy pizza. I wasn't sure it would work, but I didn't have any yeast and I fancied a pizza. I have included some of the toppings I have on my pizza but the nutritional information is only for the pizza base. I shall post the tomato sauce tomorrow. Just add the calories for whichever cheese you use and the toppings. I usually have a whole pizza for myself as I am not on a low-calorie diet but the pizzas are quite large and half a pizza and a side salad would be perfect for one person who is trying to eat at a defecit. These are fine to freeze if you make extra. Freeze them after cooking, or refridgerate a prepared un-cooked pizza for up to 2 days.

    Serves: 8 (4 pizzas)

    330 g flour
    1 1/2 tsp baking powder
    1 pinch salt
    75 g margarine
    200 ml milk

    Suggested Toppings:

    •Sundried Tomatoes
    •Cheese: Cheddar, Mozzarella, Feta, Blue cheese
    •Spinach or Rocket
    •Meat if you fancy it

    Mix the flour, salt, baking powder and margarine together with your fingers until it forms fine crumbs.
    Add the milk and combine to form a dough. Divide the dough unto 4 balls, cover and refridgerate for 10 minutes or until you need them.
    Roll out the balls as flat as possible (the flatter the better) on a floured surface then transfer onto baking paper.
    Add the sauce and toppings you desire and then bake in a pre-heated oven at 150 for 15 minutes, then increase to 180 and bake for a further 10. If you have a combi-oven, you can turn the grill on for the last few minutes if the pizza is not "browned" enough.

    231 calories per serving, 8.5g F, 1.6g SF, 33.2g C, 1.4g S, 1.1g Fb, 5.2g P

    Tomato Sauce

    So here is a tomato sauce that works great for a pizza sauce, but equally well for a pasta sauce, or even as a soup base! Nutritional info is given for pizza sauce, but for a pasta it would serve 4 people. Works to freeze easily. The whole thing as 1 serving is only 100 calories.

    Tomato Sauce
    Serves: 16 (as a pizza sauce)

    400 g tinned tomatoes (1 tin)
    200 ml water
    2 cloves garlic
    2 g thyme
    2 g oregano
    1 pinch salt
    1 cube vegetable stock
    1 tablet of sweetener

    Put everything except the stock cube into a blender.
    Boil the sauce and add the stock cube. Continue to boil until the sauce is the desired thickness.
    6 calories per serving, 0.1g F, 0g SF, 1.4g C, 0.7g S, 0.4g Fb, 0.3g P
    Posted by myoelastic at 08:01 0 comments Labels: Pasta, Pizza, Sauce, Soup, Tomato
    Friday, 3 September 2010
    Baking Powder Pizza
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    Go for it! Do what works for you. I'm all for eating ANYTHING in MODERATION.
  • carriep2010
    carriep2010 Posts: 117 Member
    Go for it! Do what works for you. I'm all for eating ANYTHING in MODERATION.

    I agree!!!