Howdy everyone!!!

Well I just joined up on MFP this morning and can't wait to get started. While my main reason for losing weight to to live a healthier lifestyle, I have a wedding coming up at the end of this year. And knowing my family and their love of pictures, we will need to rent space to house the vast quantity of pictures taken. This leads me to the second reason I am here...the wedding diet.

I do not want to look back at my wedding pictures in 15-20 years and see how big I used to be. I want to be able to look back and be proud of the way I took control of my life and how "good-looking" I used to be!

Good luck to us all in our endeavor to become a healthier version of ourselves, and feel free to add me so we can support each other in our goals!


  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Welcome!! This is an awesome site to get things done! Get yourself some friends on here ( feel free to add me:wink:) That way you have some encouragement and just some people to vent out your weight loss frustration. Also, above anything....Drink water! Good Luck :drinker:
  • runpiggyrun
    Good luck and how exciting " a wedding". Im sure you'll do fine, lots of support and motivation here xx