Bad cardio

Hi my names Ryan I have a wight bar,wights,wight bench, bicycle and a stair climber am good abought wight lifting i dont go all out or nothing 3 times a week mainly to tone up some fat areas but i have a huge problem with doing cardio any tips to helping stick to cardio and if any has qestions about wight lifting tricks ill do my best to answer them


  • dawnkitchen
    I have a hard time with cardio at the gym - I get SO bored. I don't run because of the strain and impact on the body (I have an easily stressed knee), so I elliptical. Thankfully I have a gym at my apartment that almost no one uses, so I can watch whatever I want on TV which helps. Doing 30-45 minutes is good because it can take your body 10-20 minutes to completely warm up and get into the fat burning stage.

    I would just find something that you can keep yourself occupied with while doing cardio. If music can keep you entertained, try that. A magazine if you can read at the same time (I get dizzy when I do this!). If you can watch your favorite show, do that. When the weather is nice, I like to take my dogs on a brisk walk outside for a little while.

    Hopefully you can find something that works for you! Good luck!
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    The best tip I've gotten so far is to push yourself in small increments over the length of your cardio workout. I started out with the run 3 minutes, walk for 2 method. It will help you build up endurance and actually burn more calories. Don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion before you stop, just do the 3 minutes at a time. Once you can do that successfully add a few more minutes of running and a little less walking (or if you're on a bike fast/slow peddling) I actually RAN a mile last week...I never thought in my life I could ever do that and it wasn't that hard at all. You can do your own google search on 'training for a marathon' and get more information on it (or someone else on here might be able to help more too) but it really does work and it makes cardio less painful.
  • Thorneapple
    I tend to alternate my cardio days with my weight days. I'll do an hour of cardio one day (30 minutes of elliptical and 30 minutes of cycling) Then I'll do 45-60 minutes of weights on the opposite days, with a 15 minute warmup on the treadmill.

    By having set routines on each day, it helps me to stay on track.
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I find cardio easiest in the summer when I can go on fun runs outside. Otherwise, classes really motivate me. Are you a member of a gym? You could do a cycling class, I find it more fun with friends. Or even get a friend to come to your house to work out with you at home while you do your bike, stair climber. I end up working harder around other people too. Or do little things, like when watching tv, get up and jump rope during commercials and whatnot. :)