It just isn't adding up for me?



  • megalooch
    megalooch Posts: 8 Member
    WOW, THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR RESPONSES AND YOUR INPUT. Just off of your suggestions, comments, calculations I think I'm pretty well prepared to go in custom and set my goals up again.

    I appreciate your time and definately your consideration to my question!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This maybe a really stupid question but when you entered your information into the MFP calculator did you enter your actual weight (240lbs) or your ideal weight (170lbs)

    The formula your nutritionist is using seems to be a mish mash of various other ones. No wonder you're confused. Based on your profile, 2,200 calories per day would be sufficient to maintain your ideal weight (factoring in exercise) not your current weight. Assuming a 1000 calorie per day deficit to acheive 2lb weight loss that would take you down to 1,200 on the nose.

    I've plugged your data into a number of different calculators (do you know your BF% for a more accurate reading?) It looks like net calories of about 1600 per day should equate to a 2lb weight loss per week. I would recommend meeting halfway and trying for 1850 net per day to see how you go. You can always cut back if needs be. It seems you are doing something similar anyway.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I would stick to the numbers your nutritionist gave you.