Dinner Party Food Ideas

I am doing a dinner party for 6 people in a couple of weeks and wondered if you would share some low calorie/low fat meal ideas? I will use chicken for my main course but wanted a few choices of ways to cook it. Any started and pudding ideas would also be appreciated, I amdoing well on the diet and dont want to stray too far off it.


  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    u could do fruit salad for dessert. maybe melon for a starter. Low fat ice cream for dessert/ Lots of veggies with ur main :)
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    smoked salmon for starter, not a lot , with a nice rocket salad and a balsamic dressing.

    dessert meringue nests with 0% greek yogurt and fresh berries!

    also this is really, really nice


    Aubergine Hummus

    This is an awesome combination of Baba Ganoush and Regular Hummus. It is fantastic as a dip, or spread on some brown bread or a wholemeal pitta with spinach and sundried tomatoes.

    Aubergine Hummus
    Serves: 8

    1 aubergine
    1 garlic clove
    1/4 tsp salt
    2 tbsp lemon juice
    2g cumin
    200g chickpeas, dried
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 chicken/veggie stock cube

    Soak the chickpeas in water overnight
    Then cook them in the same water with the stock cube added in for 20 mins.
    Roast the aubergine until the skin is blackened. When it is cooled you can just peel off the skin and the flesh will be mostly mashable.
    Mash the aubergine with the crushed garlic, salt, cumin, lemon juice and olive oil.
    Drain the chick peas but reserve the water.
    Add the chickpeas to the aubergine mixture with a little of the reserved water and blitz with a hand blender. Add a little more water if it is too thick, but not too much.

    It makes 8 large (100g) portions, but you could stretch it out further.

    123 calories per serving, 3.4g F, 0.4g SF, 19.1 C, 4.1g S, 6.4g Fb, 5.6g P
  • suedong
    suedong Posts: 11
    Thanks for the replys so far, I will give them all a thought and will let you know what I choose eventually and ultimately what happens when I weigh in afterwards :)

    Please keep the suggestions coming, all ideas very much appreciated.