Hey everyone!

Yeah it's winter and yes I got lazy of course. A lot had been going on in my life and while I was already a little over weight once it all settled down all I wanted to do was nothing and nothing is what I did, on top of it I started eating badly. I had a scale break, haha no I didn't break it, it broke. It had been a few months since I used one. When I finally bought another I weighed in 10 pounds heavier then before. I freaked out and told myself that I gotta change my ways. I hadn't even noticed but I'm glad I weighed myself before it got worse. So to motivate myself I decided that I will go to an annual show that for years I've been wanting to go to. Ultra Music Festival in Miami at the end of March. This is what really kicked it off for me. I know that with being 31 and not knowing whether in a year or two if I'll be married with little ones running around this may be the first and last time I go to it. No way am I going to spend 3 days in Miami with everyone around me looking top notch and half naked in swim trunks & bikini's and not do anything about myself. This also set a realistic goal date. One that I can't keep putting off. I suggest everyone do that. think of something in the future that they refuse to look sloppy for and insist that you get yourself healthy for it.

Obviously I know my main motivation should just be to be healthy but honestly without a goal date I think I'd put this off. The sense of urgency keeps me going.

So now I have the regiment on here. The droid app has been tremendously helpful. I'm a vegetarian so I'm eating a lot of vegetarian soy products so instead of hamburger meat i'll have a veggie burger or instead of chicken I'll have morning star chikn patties or turkey replaced with Tofurkey. Anyone who is not a vegetarian don't rule these things out they have much less calories and tend to be healthier when you break it down. The big question of course is how do they taste. To be honest and I'm not pushing my food choices on anyone else, they actually taste pretty damn incredible if you buy the right products. I can help anyone interested just hit me up. Also I've learned to incorporate salads into my diet. Not sure why I was so put off by the idea of salads for so long but after a few days of getting used to them I now love them!

Lastly I fought with myself for awhile trying to decide which to go with. The Gym or EA Sports Active 2. I decided to go with the EA Sports active 2 due to time restraints and when I thought about it more I really didn't want other people to see me working out. I mean I was a smoker for many years and when I do cardio I can look pretty pathetic afterwards struggling for air. I'd rather be the only one who see's that lol. The EA Sports Active 2 if your thinking about it let me just tell you now you won't be dissappointed with it. It gives you this option for a 9 week workout program that is guided by a trainer. It changes everyday you do it so it's never boring and it tracks your progress. The heart rate monitor it comes with is beyond fantastic. Always displayed in the top left corner of the screen it very accurately helps you see when your in your target zone and how many calories your burning. The biggest thing of all is it's actually very challenging. Lets just say how it is, it actually kicks your *kitten*. I tried Wii fit before this and I swear that program aside from the hula hooping was designed for people just looking to exercise a little. ACTIVE is designed to kick your *kitten* into shape. Definitely look into it.

I should also mention I'm using Hydroxycut. If anyone has or is using this let me know. I'm iffy on it. I imagine it's going to work but I can feel it on my system a little more then I expected. It's sorta intense and I'm not sure how I feel about how healthy or safe it is.

It's only been about a week here and I've lost a couple pounds already. My biggest concern is getting away from the routine. I can never stick to a routine. I'm hoping that I'll hear from some of you and maybe the conversation will keep me going. Maybe if I'm doing this with other people it will help me stick to it.



  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Well good luck to you! TRY to make a routine you can enjoy and stick with it ;-)
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you. This is a great site, and there is so much support here. Since I joined, I lost around 12 pounds, with maybe 10 or so more to go. Feel free to add me as a friend, for some support. I have a lot of friends that are great support also.
  • kjames79
    kjames79 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Jize's and Silky's! Glad I got you guys here. :) Good luck to you both as well