one day diet…any1 here did it or heard of it?

tranz4md1 Posts: 37 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, I have sworn off 'diets' but I have to admit, this one day diet or everyother day diet has peaked my curiosity and this is why…I am attempting to land on a eating pattern that will work for me. About 5 yrs ago I learned about atkins and contrary to popular belief this really helped me and launched me into significant wt. loss. I lost 60 lbs and have managed to keep off 45-50 lbs of that for the last 5 yrs. Even managed to start a group twice and help 100s of others lose wt too.

But I have hit a serious plateau and can't get below 270lb. Been working out 6 days a week cardio all 6 days and strength training 3 days/wk. Keep calorie count in range of 1250-1600 day.

Looking for boost or metabolism trigger…the one day diet appears like it may be it. Have been doing my homework but I would line to hear from someone who has really tried it. Does it work, is it more like a starvation diet. Seeking honest critiques from someone who has tried it. Thx in advancce.


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Since you have sworn off "diets", why start now? My guess is, you aren't eating enough. With your current weight and amount of workouts, you've probably slowed your metabolism down by not eating enough. Try adding a couple hundred more calories to your day. Give your body time to adjust, like 2 - 3 weeks.
  • Traz have you been to the doctor lately. If you are doing all of that and not losing maybe you have a thyroid problem. With medication you may lose without even trying.

    God Bless You
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