
Hello All! I might be new to this site, but I am not new to the great weight struggle. Sound familiar? First off, this site is fantastic.

I started my third major weight loss journey on August 20th. I am 5'7, and started at 238.5 lbs. I now weigh 191.8 lbs, and feel fantastic. I have a long way to go, but I've already come half way. Yup. Half way. I set goals, and I've met every single one of them. The next one being 175 lbs for my 30th birthday next month. This all sounds great so far, doesn't it? Well, the subject is secrets for a reason. I have one. Actually, I have many. Maybe that's why I'm here? I'm not alone, am I? Every time we turn on The Biggest Loser or whatever weight loss show you are in to, someone is having a break through. Great for them. What about you and me? What apparently happened to me that caused me to stop caring about myself and becoming obese? So, I did the therapy thing. You know what, there really are some things you can only tell a stranger. So what was this life altering moment in my life? Well, I remember every detail. What I was wearing. Where I was standing. The time of day. It happened one summer when I was 15. I played ringette and was the captain of my team. I thought I was in great shape. I worked hard. At the time, I was 140 lbs. Not bad, so I thought. Then that beautiful summer day, my mum took my picture, looked at me, and said I needed to start losing weight. I was fat. That's the day I started throwing up almost everything I ate. It's almost 15 years later...still working on getting it under control. Half of my life. That's a long time to feel bad about yourself. You know what? I'm a mother of three, and it's my turn to set the example. I know what I have to do, and I'm working on it day after day. Sure, telling my husband would be a good idea...or even having a heart to heart with my mum. That's what would happen on t.v, right? Well, as strong as I like to believe I am, this is one secret that I'm still having trouble with. I might even be able to conquer my bulimia if I confront my mum. Well, one day at a time. That's why I'm telling you. I don't know you. You're all strangers to me. But I also know, one of you is just like me. Maybe more? I've told you one of my secrets. Share if you want, or read this, learn from it, and do what you will.

The best thing in life is being able to live it...and learn from it. We all have to opportunity to really grow as individuals, and as a group. It's something we will always remember. So, go live that life!!!


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Wow, what a thing for your mother to say to you. :cry: I wish you the best in your continued weight loss quest, and hope you overcome your illness. You look great in your photo! I am 5' 6.5". I weighed 153 pounds at the start of 9th grade. I weighed 133 pounds at the end of 9th grade. I was replacing food with ice and ended up with mono and severe anemia. With the help of this site in showing me how bad what I was eating was, I have lost 20% of my starting weight, and weigh less now, than I ever have since childhood. 125 lbs. It took me 7 months and I have been maintaining for 3 months. You will get there soon enough, and I hope this site helps you as much as it has me. :flowerforyou:
  • thechurchlady
    I am not bulimic, but I can empathize with you....I am short 5'...I remember one day I was standing on the toilet seat to enable me to see myself in the father walked in and started yelling at me...he told me to get down because I was going to break the toilet seat...because I weighed about that time I weighed 119...

    I started eating and didn't stop until I did weigh 200lbs....

    hangin's one day at a time...