Lovin' this!

Hello! I am new to this site. I started it last weekend and love it so far! It's so easy to use and I love that it tracks what you eat and it doesn't take you an hour to add your points, or search for the right things.....! I'm excited about this. My goal is to lose 60-80 pounds this year. And, I love reading other people's success stories. It's so motivating!
Any support or helpful hints would be appreciated and welcomed!



  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi and welcome!
    You can do it! There are some fantastic people here!
  • tvanderberg
    I love this site also. It's awesome! I think it's the best thing that I could have found as I challenge myself to become healthy and loose weight. It's very encouraging to read everyone's post and to realize that you are not in this alone.
  • kelbel76
    kelbel76 Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you on your weightloss.
  • Birdnicaj
    I was elated too when I found this site! Welcome!
    Helpful hint: log in EVERYTHING that passes your mouth...every little Bite Lick or Taste (BLT) It's the only way, you need to keep yourself accountable. Celebrate little successes as well as big ones!
    Good luck!
  • NMeg410
    Thanks everyone! :) Good Luck to all of you as well!!!!!!