Need Help With Toning

HI All! :smile:

I'm really proud to say that over the last year I've lost almost 15 pounds and I'm getting closer and closer to my goal weight. I've finally master my food, water and cardio and things are looking great!

I'm a curvy girl who's been working on getting rid of excess chub (as I call it). I love my curves... I can handle that, BUT I'd love to tone up and get lean.

Right now I work out about 5 days a week at the gym. I do 30-45 minutes cardio and about 15 minutes of strength changing up my upper and lower body parts. I usually do free weights, and some leg machines. On my "off" days I'm still doing something active at home.

I feel like the toning is really taking some time, which is okay....kinda...... BUT I'd love to know what exercises and routine I should get into as I start to want to tone up more?

I am not sure that staying the same routine will be effective or if I should try something different? How long should I be doing strength training each time when I go?

Is there any advice as to what to do when your focus changes from losing weight/chub to just getting strong & lean?

Any advice is GREATLY appreciated! :wink: THANKS IN ADVANCE!


  • Hillary1234
    hi! to get toned you have to keep your body guessing. Alternating muscle groups is a good day arms one day legs, you can do abdominals every day. The key to getting toned is to keep at it, it doesnt happen overnight but it will. You also want to do a variety of strength excercises, not the same ones and you may want to do heavier weights, you want to do whatever strength training excercise to the point where you cant do another set. You may also want to try a protein shake or two......dont worry, you wont bulk up, but it will help to get the lean muscle you are looking for. Best of luck and keep with it, you will get there

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  • flutiecutie
    Hey, this is going to be bring the trainer out of me when I say this BUT strength training is just as important as cardio. Cardio helps burn the fat but strength training boosts your metabolism 5x more than cardio and strengthens your bones.

    So, two times a week for no more than an hour each should you work out on training. When you are doing this, have three different exercises for each major muscle group and bounce back from each exercise so your heart rate will stay up :-) The reason why you use different exercises on the same muscle group is to target every muscle in that group from different positions.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks a bunch ladies! :bigsmile: