Healthiest option at a pizzeria?

edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I hate going out to eat because it's always difficult to find something heavy AND resist temptation to order the not so healthy dishes. Tonight I'm going out to eat with the family and we're going to a pizzeria type of place. Do you guys have any suggestions on what to order while I'm there? I've already made a deal with my mom to split one entree between the two of us so I won't overeat, I just don't know what the healthiest options would be. Any ideas? Thanks xo


  • lisamt83
    lisamt83 Posts: 119
    If you eat pizza...order thin crust, ask for lots of veggies and ask them to put only a little bit of cheese...when you get the it with a napkin to get the extra grease out...that will help a little bit!! :)
  • Thin crust and a small pizza with sensible toppings and a side salad, rather than a massive pizza with every meat under the sun - which would be my pizza of choice ;-)

    I have dinner on 21st of Jan with my family at an Italian... I'm already thinking of my choices! I think I'll probably have 2 starters, rather than a starter & main - I know the place we're going to offers it's main pasta dishes as half size portions, with the idea being you can order them as starters, but I'll just order a half size portion for my main & have some salad to bulk it out.

    Have you checked to see if the place you're going to has their menu online, then you can do a little homework before you arrive?
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    if u eat a resturant make sure u eat all of ur salad and ask for there FF dressings (2 TBS of ranch there is 14 grams of fat) ask for dressing on the side and dip ur fork in the dressing then take a bite u get dressing on every bite of salad. also drink a whole glass of water b4 eating that helps to and for ur main entree or a white meat option like fish, chicken, or pork, try to stay away from pasta because instead of them giving u one serving generally they give 3 to 4. i hope that helps
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Well, the obvious is to avoid things like fried calamari, fried cheese, penne vodka, alfredo, meat-lovers, lasagne, parmigiana, etc.....

    But, pasta fagioli soup is super yummy and pretty healthy. It's a bean soup, so it has fiber and protein. A bowl of that with a side salad or slice of bread is a good choice.

    A thin-crust pizza with veggies and light on the cheese is a good way to go.

    Pasta marinara isn't so bad, just have to watch portion size. They usually serve enough to be like 6 portions!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Minestrone, antipasta salad, caprese salad...
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