no wonder people are over weight..



  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    3,500mg of sodium is ridiculous. Tim Horton's would come out better just selling individual bags of table salt to their customers as a meal.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I actually said this not too long ago when I realized how big portions really are. i used to inhale those mega portions ie Half an italian hoagie(around 8 inches of bread alone) half a pizza and half dozen wings washed down by a two liter of regular i see stuff like that and CRINGE. It takes me back to the days when I was in the 200 club
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Speaking of HFCS - I recently watched the King Corn documentary (right after Food Inc.! Blah!) - corn is EVERYwhere!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    bacel is a low cal margarine... maybe its only in Canada.. I figured that it must not be in the US cause i had a hard time searching for it on here LOL

    I think maybe you had a hard time finding it because it's spelled Becel (which is probably what confused everyone, also)... :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I can't figure out what is wrong with sodium either. I guess excess sodium can make your body hold onto water-but so does working out. If you don't have high blood pressure or something, what's wrong with sodium? I cannot worry about sodium.
  • minervasp73
    Sodium itself is very necessary for us...but it can lead to sometimes dangerous fluid build up in people who already have health conditions. Too much of anything isn't good for anyone.

    The reason I worry about it is because it makes me totally puffy !!
  • soulfire711
    My boyfriend works at Applebee's and most of the items on the menu are over 1000 calories! It's insane. More restaurants are adding "low-calorie" choices, but it's still ridiculous that they're allowed to serve food that's so bad for us. And even on the low-cal items, the sodium is out of control! You know it's bad when salads are over 500 calories...

    OMG! I just ate at Applebee's the other night and I was on MFP for about 20 minutes trying to find SOMETHING that wasn't going to more than double my cals for the day. I ended up going with one of their Weight Watchers meals, but even that was loaded with fat and sodium. Another thing that kills me are the portions! Even my WW meal was too big to eat. I have a hard time wasting food...but you can't really take a salad home. I thought about asking them to separate it into 2 bowls and leave the dressing off of 1, but I chickened out. People think I'm nuts when I do things like that. You should see the looks I get when I ask for a kids meal!! I can't eat 6 chicken strips people!! nor SHOULD I. I only want 2 and a side a veggies or something...but evidently you have to be under 12 to eat reasonable portions. Come on!!!
    *sigh* Sorry about the rant. I get really riled up about this. It's like everyone is trying to fatten me up to eat me. :-/
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    Restaurant food IS ridiculous.
    Non-chain/"nicer" sit down restaurants still don't have nutritional information, so it makes it hard to eat out. For example, I am going to my cousin's birthday dinner tonight at an Argentinian place and I'm going to have to do my best unassisted to figure out the calories and such. I'm going to eat as many light fresh foods/salad until dinner and work out prior. No other choice, other than to avoid my little cousin's birthday and that isn't an option.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I've still lost weight eating out 2-3x per week, sometimes more when I'm traveling. There's really nothing to geek out over - even if you don't know the EXACT caloric figure that you're eating. More important is that you have a handle on portion control (i.e. don't eat the entire plate because it's probably a huge serving). Most dine-out meals can easily provide a second leftover meal for the next day.

    Sodium is going to be considerably higher in most restaurant / processed food. Just a fact of life. As long as all your meals are not that salty, you're fine. Keep in mind we still need sodium.

    There's certainly some crap out there that you should absolutely avoid, but if you want to make anything a lifestyle you've gotta make it work. Most of us live lives that take us out to social events, fast food joints, and other potential pitfalls. Just gotta learn to manage cheats or find alternatives on the menu. And believe me, I've found very few situations where I couldn't find something to eat.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Crazy eh??

    I'm convinced eating out is what has caused this whole epidemic. If I eat out, even counting the "reported" calories, I gain. If I eat at home (whole foods, nothing sprout-y or fancy), I lose.

    But even with the nurtrition facts, people don't care until it inconveniences them :ohwell:

    Actually, there is a lot of truth to your beliefs. Restaurant foods have bigger serving sizes and people start mimicking these serving sizes at home. A lunch meal from any restaurant can easily be 1500 to 2000 calories, and by the time breakfast, dinner, and evening snacks are put into the pot, a person could eat 5000 calories. That little ride on the elliptical won't put a dent in that number.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    There's certainly some crap out there that you should absolutely avoid, but if you want to make anything a lifestyle you've gotta make it work. Most of us live lives that take us out to social events, fast food joints, and other potential pitfalls. Just gotta learn to manage cheats or find alternatives on the menu. And believe me, I've found very few situations where I couldn't find something to eat.

    Well said! I love going out with my husband on our date every week, and would seriously miss the experience (not just the food, but the entire act of going out and having a good time!). And occasionally people at the office want to go for lunch, etc. I either save calories up for a couple days and splurge, or pick something reasonable like a salad with grilled chicken and dressing on the side. And whenever I can, I research the calorie count before I go. (I usually ignore sodium.)
  • jimmydeanbakker
    I've still lost weight eating out 2-3x per week, sometimes more when I'm traveling. There's really nothing to geek out over - even if you don't know the EXACT caloric figure that you're eating. More important is that you have a handle on portion control (i.e. don't eat the entire plate because it's probably a huge serving). Most dine-out meals can easily provide a second leftover meal for the next day.

    Don't forget that you have a nifty little app at your disposal so you can make quality choices when you eat out at a restaurant. You can lose weight eating out if you're using common sense practices. But we have to be honest, how many people go into a restaurant with the purpose of eating less?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I just read that yeah resturants and food labels are suppose to tell you the nutritional value of things, but there is no law stating that it has to be accurate information...isn't that crazy? so they can still lie to you about what you're are way better off to eat at home, at least you can slap your recipe into MFP and it can calculate everything for you, and you know what's in your's just like McDonald's doesn't have to confess what's in their's all lips and @ssholes
  • akalei
    akalei Posts: 34
    This is strange. A friend of mine is also plus sized. She and her husband who was also plus sized went to subway. They each just got like a bottle water and one of those 6inch under 6 grams of fat sandwiches.. So the lady tries to upsell them to 12 inch and is trying to get them to add on all this extra sauce and offeres them pop and chips and cookies and they had to say no a few times before she got that they didnt want all the extra stuff..
    They ate in and near the counter. Then they noticed something. Whenever a thin person ordered the girl at the counter did not try to upsell anything to them. When bigger people came in the lady tried to push cookies and chips on them. Later she called to complain, but they pretty much didnt care andmade excuse like "oh its just random" when it was VERY obvious only bigger people were getting asked if they wanted more. Then they offered her free cookies or chips on her next visit..
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    That is an interesting story. I believe it. I wonder if maybe the cashier didn't even notice she was doing it.
    This is strange. A friend of mine is also plus sized. She and her husband who was also plus sized went to subway. They each just got like a bottle water and one of those 6inch under 6 grams of fat sandwiches.. So the lady tries to upsell them to 12 inch and is trying to get them to add on all this extra sauce and offeres them pop and chips and cookies and they had to say no a few times before she got that they didnt want all the extra stuff..
    They ate in and near the counter. Then they noticed something. Whenever a thin person ordered the girl at the counter did not try to upsell anything to them. When bigger people came in the lady tried to push cookies and chips on them. Later she called to complain, but they pretty much didnt care andmade excuse like "oh its just random" when it was VERY obvious only bigger people were getting asked if they wanted more. Then they offered her free cookies or chips on her next visit..
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    This is strange. A friend of mine is also plus sized. She and her husband who was also plus sized went to subway. They each just got like a bottle water and one of those 6inch under 6 grams of fat sandwiches.. So the lady tries to upsell them to 12 inch and is trying to get them to add on all this extra sauce and offeres them pop and chips and cookies and they had to say no a few times before she got that they didnt want all the extra stuff..
    They ate in and near the counter. Then they noticed something. Whenever a thin person ordered the girl at the counter did not try to upsell anything to them. When bigger people came in the lady tried to push cookies and chips on them. Later she called to complain, but they pretty much didnt care andmade excuse like "oh its just random" when it was VERY obvious only bigger people were getting asked if they wanted more. Then they offered her free cookies or chips on her next visit..

    That's ridiculous. Did she call the local store or call corporate? I'd suggest she email their Consumer Affairs office. To do that is just rude, especially when Subway has capitalized on that one dude losing a bunch of weight and becoming their spokesperson.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I totally agree, Hubby and I now take our lunches to work. (I work at a hospital and sometimes I will get the salad bar for lunch) I always bring my own salad dressing because they don't carry a variety of low fat dressings, which is ironic since it is a hospital after all! We have now decided to eat all meals at home or pack them with us. I even carry snacks on the weekends when we are out and about to curve the urge to stop and eat somewhere. However, we do eat out once a week at a local sushi bar. We love our sushi and treat ourselves 1/week to it. Find that we are saving money that we used to spend on crap food. Also enjoying time together cooking at home together like we used to early in our relationship.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I have a thing about low sugar products as they mostly have aspartame ( in & it send my kids hyper. They use it in crisps, all sorts of foods & drink. I spend most of my shopping time when buying new food checking labels. In restaurants you dont know if they use product with it in
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I agree, all those little extras add up and people think they cant eat anything without ranch or some type of sauce added to it. People dipping their pizza in ranch, how fatting is that, our culture adds ranch, sour cream and cheese to everything

    OMG I know. My SO's niece does this. I'm thinking, REALLY??? It's PIZZA. If you have to add sauce to pizza, there's something seriously wrong. She's 13, so she can do it... NOW, but I can already see the pudginess starting to show. It's sad.