Ready to get in shape-who's with me?

Well i'm 31 and about 40 lbs. overweight. I have four children and that certainly helped in the weight gain and lots of stress helps too. So i'm ready to become less stressed and being healthier will help with that. I don't want to get diabetes which i had while i was pregnant and don't want heart disease which many of us get from being unhealthy. So i refuse to diet but am ready to make a life change and no new years resolution for me. I am going to Jazzercise tonight for the first time-i will let you know how much it's hurts later, it's gonna be rough! I have learned the more i put myself down and the more i talk badly about myself the more destructive it is on my weight and confidence. I did weight watchers for a while it was slow going but learned several important things for myself. If you wouldn't say something to your best friend then why would you say it to you? I also learned to not keep the vicious cycle going-vicious cycle syndrome my mom in law calls it. If i decide to eat unhealthy one minute i can change it the next minute. No more of the well i ate this now so it doesnt really matter how i do the rest of the day-it does matter. That doesn't mean i don't eat terribly and when i do it might take several days to stop. I also know that when i am harder on me the more i am likely to to keep eating badly to try to feel better when in the end i just feel worse. So please love who you are for who you are and then others can love you as well. It doesn't mean being the prettiest or the skinniest or having the most fashionable clothes. It means knowing i am a good person on the inside and out. If i feel i don't like things on the inside of me then i do my best to change them to be who i am proud of being. Of course i mess up and sometimes get down but get right back up and try again. By God the pretty judgemental people of the world who have lots of money and look perfect are not me and i do not want to be them. I love my life and want to enjoy it all. I will not look at others all the time and think i should be like that, i will not beat myself up for screwing up because we all do. And i will not decide how to feel about myself because someone else thinks i am less than them because i am not as skinny as them. I hope and pray for the others who judge me from one look and decide they don't like me that they find some true happiness in their lives. So they will too know they love who they are and are loved for who they are and don't feel the need to hate others from fear or disappointments in their own lives. This is my pledge and my journey to begin my life as a healthy wife, mom, sister and daughter. So please join me and share support on here so we may be who we want to be inside and out. We have a lifelong journey ahead of us!


  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Good luck! You've made the right choice -- this site has some amazing resources and even more amazing people.

    Here's how I look at weight loss. It's going to take some time. You won't wake up tomorrow 50lbs lighter. But if you lose just a pound a week, you'll wake up a year from now 50lbs lighter. If you lose a pound and a half a week, you'll wake up next year 75 pounds lighter. I plan to be here in 2012 anyways (I want to see if the Mayans were right) so either way, I might as well be healthier and slimmer than not, given a choice.
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    I'm ready to take it slow and steady. You are so right in a yr from now i could be done and maintaining and that would be amazing. Love the support on here, what a great idea!
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    what an overwhelming response:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sorry i couldn't help myself! Good luck everyone off we go!