Please read and help before I fall off

daveg119 Posts: 8
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
So, I'm on my second week of dieting and my first week I lost a great 11lbs. I was super happy about and it's motivated me even more. Well I decided to weigh in halfway through this week and I have yet to lose even 1 single pound. My diet didn't change, nor did my exercise routine. I'm beginning to get frustrated because my mind won't even think about cheating and the scale is staying the same. The only thing I can think of is that I'm not eating enough calories, I weigh 394lbs and I'm only taking in roughly 1400 calories a day. Please if anyone has some advice let me know, really dont want to fall off this.


  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Instead of looking at it like you haven't lost any weight this week, consider that you have lost 11 pounds in 10 days. WOW. A few days isn't enough time to really judge how the whole week is going. A big loss in week one, followed by a smaller, sustainable loss, is pretty normal. You should be proud of what you have started.
  • is the 1400 calories recommended by this site? that really does seem like too little. I am set up with 1520 daily. don't give up just yet your body is adjusting and you can't expect to lose alot each week so weeks will be better then others
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    i agree with the first response. you had such great weight loss the first week it may be slower the second then pick back up...bodies change daily/weekly. dont get frustrated just keep going! as long as you're eating the minimum and exercising, and eating those calories back you should be doing fine. and congrats on a great first week!

    for me some weeks i see 2-3 lb loss then the next nothing, but it picks back up the next week...sometimes its just like that
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate daily by several pounds. DO NOT get discouraged...and try to only weigh once a week. Water weight, lots of things can affect it. I have on occasion shown a 2-3 pound gain if I weight mid week but by the time I weigh on my normal "weigh day" I have lost. Keep going! You won't regret it! I have lost 92 lbs...all doing this and taking it one day at a time. Some weeks I have only lost 2/10 of a pound...but a loss is a loss. Good luck!

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    what does MFP tell you that you need for calories??? definitely not 1400 for your weight????
    are you working out??? are you eating your exercise calories? are you drinking water?
    need more info to help.....
    DEFINITELY DO NOT FALL OFF THE WAGON....stay the course....
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    You will have stalls a lot during your weight loss. You lost 11 pounds in one week, thats great! Most people cant even lose that in one month. Be proud of what you have already done and keep pushing no matter what the scale tells you. But 1400 cals for 390 pounds, I weigh 140 less then you and thats how many cals im suppose to be eating. I suggest you eat what MFP tells you too. Again great job and keep pushing!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    For your weight, bump it up 200 calories a day and keep doing what you're doing. Too little is just as bad as too much :smile:

    11lbs, that's fantastic! Think of it as 5.5 lbs a week. Water retention often plays a big role in small gains, and you'll see it because you just started exercising :flowerforyou:
  • Same thing is happening to me. I lost almost 10 pounds right away and now the scale continues to stay put. Don't give up because it will really easily go back up! Just keep moving forward and eventually that number will come down. Make sure you are eating enough because if you are exercising a lot you need to make sure you aren't depriving your body too much or you won't loose a thing! Take care :) You can do it!!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Don't give up!! You are going to have some weeks where you lose a lot and other weeks where you lose little, if any. That is what gets you frustrated and want to give up, but you have to just keep going! It will come off, it is just a slow process. It's much easier to put weight on than it is to take it off! Things that are hard require work and energy. You have what it takes!! Just keep going and don't give up! :-)
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    This is a lifestyle, not a flash-in-the-pan quick fix. Two weeks? That's silly! I will go a month with little change, then bam! 10 lbs gone in the next few weeks. Then back to my plateau. It's a marathon, not a race. Try to be a bit more tortoise-like, and less hare. You can do this, but you won't get anywhere if you expect it to be a perfect, linear process.

    Also, on a bio level you could be retaining water or salt, which is natural and will ease up eventually. Muscle weighs more than fat, also, so try to go off of more than the scale, try on your clothes, etc.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    The first week, you loose a lot in just water weight. It's a great motivator to keep going, but it is discouraging not to lose 11 every week! Wouldn't it be great if you could?!
    Don't give up! There will be weeks when you loose several pounds; there will be weeks when you loose no pounds; there will even be weeks when you gain a little. The important thing is to keep going. Keep at it. I plateaued for about a month and it was so discouraging, but I didn't give up and the scale has started moving again.
    We didn't gain the weight overnight, and we're not going to lose it overnight, either. Keep trying different things. Try eating a little more for a week or two and see what that does. Try drinking more water and see what that does.
    Just keep trying! You can do it!!! You've got thousands of cheerleaders here!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    It's completely normal to lose a huge chunk of weight at first, due to water weight coming off. It's important to be patient with yourself. The weight isn't going to all fall off in a week and a half, and weighing yourself too often runs you the risk of falling into a dangerous and frustrating trap (your weight fluctuates every day due to the weight of water, food, and waste changing in your body each day). Not to mention, your body isn't used to the sudden change in diet/activity, so it's going to take longer for it to adjust.

    That said, 1400 calories a day is pretty low for a male, and pretty low for someone your size. I'd suggest using the BMR calculator tool on this site and trying to be sure your daily caloric intake doesn't go below that.

    Also, it helps to measure your size rather than only taking your scale numbers into account. If you're exercising, you may very well be starting to put on muscle, which is denser than fat. Are you losing inches?

    You can do it, don't give up! Keep at it and give your body a little time to adjust. :flowerforyou:
  • Most of what you lose the first week is water thats why it was so much. You cant give up. Almost two weeks went by and nothing came off then the scale moved. When you exercise you build muscle and that weigh more then fat. A good hing is to take your inches down because you could of loss inches and not weight. One week i did not lose anything but lost 3 inches. hang in there it will come off.:bigsmile:
  • AkAmber
    AkAmber Posts: 40
    Be patient! I know it SUCKS when you feel like it's all for nothing... but as my dad loves to point out, "we didn't get to ___ pounds overnight, we're not going to take it off overnight either." :) Keep at it, take a second look at your settings in MFP, and then follow them. If a couple more weeks go by and still no losses, and you're honestly following the program, then it might be time to look into more reasons.
  • Jartexas
    Jartexas Posts: 59 Member
    Dude, where did you come up with 1400? I'm 206 started at 218 and my plan has me at 1560. If you starve your body it will hold on to fat . Do some research on the topic, learn how and what to eat, hit me back i will help as much as i can.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I''m at 349 and my intake is 1860 I think. You are not eating according to the calorie intake recommendation. And always you will lose a lot of weight at first so don't give up the recommended amount is 2 pds a week. I know it does not seem like a lot for people of our stature but it is smart . If you need a friend add me Best wishes
  • k8tmama
    k8tmama Posts: 58
    I will chime in, too! I have been doing this about the same amount of time as you. I'd lost something like 7.8 pounds by Saturday, then when I weighed Sunday, I'd gone back up 1.8. Then Monday, down to where I had totalled 8.5 pounds or something. All that to say, our bodies are adjusting with everything from real weight loss to water. If you are getting some exercise and using your calories well, you will lose weight. (I agree that 1400 is probably too low for you; I set mine to losing a pound and a half a week, and it recommended 1750 calories. That's a lot, but keeping to that has allowed me to eat really filling meals and snacks and it's been successful so far, with me losing almost 10 pounds in less than 10 days. You may just need more calories.) I don't know what kind of food you're eating, but my doctor recommended a low-carb plan and it has really worked for me.

    Don't jump off that wagon. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want encouragement!
  • chezkie
    chezkie Posts: 55 Member
    STICK WITH IT! You won't regret it, I promise!!

    I have a few suggestions

    - don't weigh in so regularly - it can be very counterproductive, because as somebody has already mentioned your weight fluctuates naturally depending on time of day and other factors, and therefore weighing yourself too regularly is more likely to make your diet flop.

    - I'm sure most people will agree with me when I say we all lose more during the first week, so don't be disheartened if your weight loss slows down this week and in future weeks.

    - Be positive, yes it's not a loss, but it's not a gain either, and in a few more days, you'll probably find you'll have lost!

    I'm not too sure with regards to how many calories you should be eating, but eat what the website recommends, that's the best thing to guage it against.

    Hope this helps, chin up - you will get there!! If you need support you know where we all are - you'll find the people on here are your guardian angels and are minds full of information!

    GOOD LUCK! x
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    1400 sounds like you are starving yourself. I am at 169 and have just shy of 1400 / day.

    Follow the recommendations. Don't forget to update your calorie / food tracker every 10 pounds.

    You lost so much the first week most likely due to drinking more water. Once you are no longer retaining, it slows down.

    Stick with it, you can do it!! GL!
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