Do you own it?

I have a family member who has lost 30+ lbs doing the HCG diet. She's done two rounds of it. She didn't do it under a Dr.s supervision she just bought the shots online injected them in her stomach and ate 500 cals a day. She's now a size 2. She looks great, but she was a mess for a while there. No energy, debilitating headaches, confusion and disorientation. I could care less how she lost her weight, it's her body she can do what she likes. BUT when people tell her she looks fantastic and want to know how she did it she gives them a mini-lecture on "giving up processed food and sugar, working out diligently every day, counting calories" blah blah blah. I want to lose 7lbs so I look and feel better, but I also want to be healthy so I'm doing the much slower old fashioned way of diet and exercise. I guess it just irritates me to hear her taking credit for doing it "the hard way" when she didn't. So, I'm just interested in opinions here. If someone lost weight through surgical means, "magic pills", or extreme fad diets do you think they should own it? Or is it okay to fib about it? I don't think you need to tell everyone who tells you that you look great how you made it happen, but if someone specifically asks how you did it, should you tell the truth?


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    She should own it. If she is fibbing, then she herself is not comfortable with the diet she was on if she is not willing to share with others.

    I am on Medifast--not sure how you categorize that-but it works for me. I've lost 66 pounds in 4 months. I love it because it works for me, its easy to follow and doctors back this program up. HOwever, when people ask me how, I am loud and proud to tell them how. I love this plan so much, that I am considering becoming a coach and selling the promoting the product myself. Sure, it may not be for everyone, but I sure am proud of it.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Oooooh it makes me really angry when people are taking the prescription diet pills, then talk about how "easy" it is to lose weight:angry::explode: :mad:. Of course it is when you go all day without eating anything!

    I had a friend do that and I could barely talk to her. Sad to say that once her doctor took her off the pills, she realized hunger again (:noway: really, people need food?) and gained it back and then some more.......... I totally think people should admit how they lost the weight!
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Honesty is always the best option. That's great that your aunt lost the weight, but unfortunately, it will mostly not last unless she continues to give herself those shots (which doesn't seem very healthy). I know for me, it is not just about a small number on the scale, but I want to be strong and healthy.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    She knows how she did it! Thats all that matters....can't lie to yourself!!! Morals,integrity,& character!!!:wink: only you[she] can take that away from herself!]
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I hate that! It's with anything. They take the easy way out but act like it was the hard way. I have a friend like that. It can be a very toxic relationship.

    Best bet, stew on it for a little then let it go. As much as you want her to own up to it, it's on her conscience, not yours. You are doing your way for YOURSELF (and it seems like the better way as well). For that YOU should be PROUD.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    She needs to OWN it!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    She will own it when she gains all the weight back and destroys her metabolism. Hopefully, she'll tell people to stay clear of HCG.
  • Timelessmissv
    i worked with a girl years ago who had lost weight on Meridia and she has kept it off i am thinking that she still takes it a:sick: but she smokes and took a lot Stacker3 along with it with it i am sure that it helped with the strong appetite supressant she was always fidgety and moody and truthfully never ate so i would get a salad for and make here eat something when she worked with me becuase it was crazy she was always exhausted . In the end its all about vanity and she is getting the attention which is really not fair:grumble: . So keep your chin up and do it the right way . I took a medically prescribed appettite supressant and had ill effects from it ,but when you order something off line like HCG who knows what your getting and to me to inject this random liquid into your body does not sound sensible at least to me . :huh: espacially when you are losing muscle mass which i have found out that it is essential in your body . I have been going to the gym for over a year and i do not look like a super model and i think that it is so hard for us in the trenches to see someone take a short cut and get the glory . But see where she is a year from now you will look great and where will she be with a short cut . I hope that this dicurages you from starving if it works great but the only ache you should have is from working at it and that is not working trust me .
  • I was this > < close to buying HCG and doing that and right before I was about to purchase it I found this site and I am so glad that I did not! In just the few months i've been here I have learned more about food, whats good, whats bad, what to look for on packaging, etc then I ever knew.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    That's so lame she is lying to everyone telling them she did it the hard way but instead bought needles of god knows what online? What an idiot for doing that, who guaranteed the cleanliness of the needle let alone what was actually inside.

    The 500 cals a day starving is what did it, the needed had little to do with it.

    Lets hope she gets real fat real soon. Hope she's not a close family member of yours but hey, wishing her to get fat is very mild considering the things she could get i.e. aids, hepatitis, infection, DEATH.

    Cross your fingers and watch “starvation-mode” in action.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'll play devil's advocate, it's taken me 18 months to get where I am, so I'm not advocating for anything - that said - Who cares? It's her own business. Sometimes people don't want to admit series of failures and take the approach that worked best for them. She may need you to support her if/when she regains the weight back and may need your assistance in getting on the right track before total failure. I actually feel badly for her that she feels she has something to hide or is hiding from because she isn't being honest with herself. Why would you care how she did it tho? What's her business is her business.

    I also find it entertaining that people won't address weight loss out - I hear a lot of, did you cut your hair or is something different - rarely do I get "have you lost weight". I think it's so easy to look at people and be critical of their shortcomings when we all have our own.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    True, she's lying.

    What she doesn't know, is she's kinda telling the truth (just not her truth). The HCG you can buy online is, 99% of the time, the least effective, cheapest form of HCG, it may not even work at all. She completely wasted her money. There are ways to eat clean, get plenty of vitamins and minerals, but still get very low calories. I lived off of 800 calories a day for years when I was modeling. 3-4 oz of organic meat (chicken or fish) every day, 2 servings of bread, everything else was organic fruits and veggies. Its totally possible, but most people either can't handle it, or don't have the incentive or the finances to do it.

    What she's describing can be done. Not easily, but it can. And the HCG she bought doesn't work, so it was probably a placebo in her case. It would be nice if people admitted that they just starved themselves, but hey, at least she's giving good advice, even if she doesn't follow it.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Time has this ability to bring truth to the surface.

    Pills, hunger supression, cleanses, very low calorie diets, Adkins, cookie diet, etc. You can do any of these things...or combinations there of... and lose weight. However, none of these is sustainable. You will eventually quit taking the pills. You will eventually quit buying cookies. You will eventually fall off the very low calories diet bandwagon.

    Anything short learning how to eat and excersise properly is destined to fail, and the weight will come back. And even doing that you might have some set backs. Just read my profile. The biggest key is you have to do all this and be comfortable doing it and know that it's a life time comitment.

    To answer your original question. She should own up to how she did it. But the fact that she's not telling the truth about it says that deep down she's ashamed of how she did it. However, I wouldn't say anything to her. Just be there and ask if she's ready to do it the right way when the weight comes back.
  • yoghurtand
    Maybe she's embarrassed? Or doesn't think that other people should follow her bad example, so she tells them what they SHOULD do to have sustained weight loss? I don't know, I think if she was proud or happy with the way she lost weight, she would have espoused the virtues of her particular 'diet' more. I mean, I try to eat ~1000 calories a day, but I would tell someone who asked me for advice to eat around 1200, or at least their BMR. I'd even help them calculate said BMR.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Anyone that goes online, buys something to inject into their body, that is supposed to be supervised by a Dr., but doesn't is not anyone I would want to look to for advice. It sounds really crazy to me.

    There are a lot of things you can find online that won't help but won't harm either. Things that need to be done in a Drs office should not be done online. You never know the quality of what you are getting. I have heard of the HCG stuff and I thought it was a prescription. Anyone selling a prescription drug without a script is untrustworthy and I wouldn't by from them. Just for the record I have ordered prescriptions online and if they didn't ask me for one I wouldn't trust them or buy from them.

    That being said I would rather see her lie than encourage unsuspecting people from trying something radical and dangerous.
  • MsRaeJ
    MsRaeJ Posts: 16
    That being said I would rather see her lie than encourage unsuspecting people from trying something radical and dangerous.

    Good point. For the record I'm not considering the HCG diet. I'm a runner and could never survive 500 cals. Also, I am a firm believer in being healthy. :happy: I didn't even think about the possibilites of unsterile needles or the injections themselves being dangerous. Crazy stuff. We all want to lose weight, feel good, and look our best, but most of us aren't willing to do that at the expense of our health. Yeah for us!