Yet another newbie!

36 here and getting back into the swing of things! But by no means have I made a New Years Resolution, because I always seem to break those! =/ So to keep me giong and focused, I make daily resolutions, like "I'll go to the gym after work today." Hi all, and best of luck to everyone in your goals! My immediate one? LOSE the muffintop!


  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    my res was to take better care of me. not to lose lbs. i just need to put me first for once in my life and i think the rest will fallow.
    good luck with your goals :)
  • marianrandall
    marianrandall Posts: 4 Member
    me too! my husband found this site via his i- phone, it's great because he can keeps tabs on his eating through the day. been on the Forever Living Nutri-lean diet for 6 days now and we've both lost weight. Amazingly we're both more focussed than we've ever been before!