New here and losing weight feels impossible!!

Hi my name is Christine, i've been on here for awhile, i've just never did anything in the community part. I feel like losing weight will be impossible for me. The thing is, i use to be thin, like in the area of 125-130 but when i was 24, i developed Rheumatoid Arthritis and of course was put on steroids. I was on the steroids up until, almost a year a go, so that's like 6 years and of course i put on weight, prolly like 30 pounds or a little over. I know my weight gain was not my fault, it's not my fault i got sick and was put on steroids, this was all out of my control, but i still get really down on myself, i feel gross!!

But the hard part for me losing weight, is my eating habits. I've always been an extremely picky eater but it was never an issue because back when i was thin, i also had a high metabolism and i could live on McDonalds, pizza and soda and i wouldn't gain a pound. So the food part is hardest for me, cuz the stuff i should be eating, i don't even wanna try it!! With me, it's always been, if it looks weird or smells weird, i'm not eating it. I don't eat salad, vegetables, i very rarely eat fruit, so this is really hard!! When someone invents a salad that tastes like a deep dish, extra cheese pizza from Domino's, i'll gladly eat it, but that'll never happen, lol, so i don't know what to do.


  • mmelaniewalters
    no easy answer .. u know it already . u have to try the yukky healthy stuff ! sorry
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    Baby steps. I was picky too. I wouldn't get tomatoes on my burgers, now I put them in every sandwich and salad. I didn't like salsa but now I can't have a taco without it. You just gotta decide how bad you want to get in shape and at least try new things. I really like the frozen weight watcher meals as an alternative to fast food. It's healthier. And there are so many things out there to make meals more healthy, like ground turkey instead of beef. I found tortillas that are large and only 100 calories, 98% fat free, and high in fiber and they taste good! Now I can still enjoy a huge soft taco and it's under 400 calories. Don't give up, it's worth the effort.

  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I have a friend on this site named spectarrr who suffers from the same illness. She could maybe give you some pointers! You can friend me if you need support,too!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    The more you eat fresh fruits and veggies and lean proteins, the better they taste--really, it works!

    If you fill the majority of your diet with the "good" stuff, you can still have the "bad" stuff occasionally as a treat. There's no reason you can't eat junk food sometimes in moderation, especially if you can stay under your calorie limit.

    Good luck, I know you can do it! :smile:
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    Have you read "Eat This, Not That"? I'm not saying that pizza and burgers will ever be the perfect diet, but those books might help you find healthier pizzas and healthier burgers to get you started moving in the right direction....

    Also, making these foods at home helps. You could make burgers with leaner meats, substitute beans or mushrooms for part of the meat, or even try a veggie burger (they can be surprisingly good!). For french fries, cut up a potato, brush with olive oil, season and bake. There are some good whole wheat pizza crusts at the grocery store, and you could add pure tomato sauce (without all the sugar of pasta sauce), reduced fat cheese, and maybe some turkey sausage.

    Good luck!
  • smtmichelle
    I have had severe asthma all of my life so I understand the steroid issue....I am put on them at least 2 or 3 times a year because I develope pneumonia. I can honestly say that getting started is the hardest part. I promise once you get going you will feel 100xs better! I work out 6 days a week and I dont deny myself food, I just watch in moderation. I will say that once you start putting so much work into your body, your outlook changes on what you are fueling yourself with. I look at fast food and junk and without thinking now I automatically say to myself that it wont help give me energy for the day or for hitting the gym. It is very possible :) Good Luck!
  • CSK1981
    CSK1981 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions and replys, i am trying in baby steps to cut myself off the junk, like before i would get the large chicken nugget meal at Micky D's, now i get the kids meal, so i'm definitely trying to cut the amount back, plus i guess i'm gonna have to learn how to cook, up till last summer, still lived with mom, so she did all the cooking, lol

    I figure as long as i stay under my calorie goal and i don't eat just junk food, i should still be able to have my tasty treats now and then.

    Another thing, is the water, i don't drink alot of water, maybe one bottle a day is all i drink, i don't really understand how water works in losing weight, so i've googled it to learn why, i've just never really been determined before, but the other day when i tried on a shirt i bought on ebay, i thought it would fit cuz i have a shirt of the same brand already in a large and that fits perfectly, but this new one was a bit tighter and nowhere near as flattering, lol, that's when i was like, i gotta get serious now!!