New to the site

Hey hey!! I'm 24 years old and 250lbs! This isnt right!! I need a change and I hope this site can help me to reach my goals and be proud of myself! I am currently engaged to the love of my life! We have been together for 6 years and met while we were powerlifting in high school. I have gained 70 pounds since I graduated in 2005 and he has only gained 10 or 15! I dont get it! :) But I know that I need something more. I need to do this for me. I need to be around for my family, for my nieces and nephews! I want to be able to have children for them to have cousins! I can't do that at this size! I want more! i want to graduate nursing school and be proud of myself for the education and becoming an RN along with losing weight that is well over due!

Any suggestions for weight loss pass them on! :)

Thanks & have a happy and healthy day!


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Being a nurse for thirty some years I can tell you that it is very hard to eat right. You are so busy you usually eat on the fly. The hospital cafeterias are so bad for you.Pack your meals to take with you. They have adorable lunch purses now that you can buy online.Keep hydrated! Good luck!
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    this is a good start. mfp is a great tool
  • jrk11
    jrk11 Posts: 3
    Welcome. First of all, you CAN DO THIS!! It will require discipline and a plan. My best advice would be : 1. Establish a daily calorie goal with an appropriate ratio of Carbs, fats and protiens (40-15-45??) and boost your metabolic rate by breaking that consumption down into five or six small meals. You want your body digesting food constantly. You can customize the Food section by adding Snacks between bkfst and lunch, lunch and din and after dinner. That's six small meals. 2. Get on a good exercise program. I'm not a fan of going to a gym full of hardbody youngsters, so an at-home program that requires minimum equiptment, like p90X, worked great for me. You might like a gym; whatever works and makes it easy for you to get regular exercise. P90X is three days of cardio and three days of strength training a week. Muscle burns calories much quicker than fat, so build muscles and burn fat. 3. Buy a good heart rate monitor and use it to track the intensity of your exercise as well as the number of calories you burn. Fill out the exercise section of the site. 4. Don't get too hung up on the scale...go by how your clothes feel; you're building muscle , which weighs a lot. 5. Don't call this a diet; it has to be a lifestyle change.... a committment to learn about sound nutrition and eat healthy choices for the rest of your life.. Finally 6. Don't beat yourself up if you slip up. Cheat, forgive yourself and get back on track.
    I'm excited for your committment and look forward to your success.