
Hi everyone! I joined in October.. I think I updated everything once and then forgot about it. Over the last few months my life has been a bit chaotic. I'm lazy. I was depressed. Well, enough of the excuses! I'm going to be busting my butt for my health and for my family. (Trying to quit smoking too!) I would love to be able to keep up with my 3 year old son.

I'm trying to be realistic. I'm aiming to lose 80lbs (to start). That will get me down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I've already lost 2 since October. Not much, but something is better than nothing. (and nothing is better than gaining.) Is anyone here doing Slim in 6? I did it over the summer and saw results (I lost 4lbs in one week). It would be pretty awesome to have a Slim in 6 buddy. I'll be pair Slim in 6 with walking on a daily basis.
